The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
Text File
5,551 lines
The Analyst's Tool
User Manual and Reference
Copyright (C) 1985, 1986
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 2
AnalytiCalc Overview
AnalytiCalc is an electronic spreadsheet program and integrated
system which was written in "portable" Fortran and runs on your
PDP11, VAX or MSDOS systems. It has a variety of commands and
operates on a "command verb" syntax. That is, everything you tell it
is a command. Some commands enter numbers or formulae; others
manipulate them or change the display. Online help is available
(though limited) via the Help command (or the F1 key).
While the primary functionality provided is that of a
spreadsheet, AnalytiCalc contains means for integrating word process-
ing documents, running other programs under its control, integrating
its graphics output, and accessing data files created either by
selective writes from its own screens or by other programs. Unlike
single huge programs which attempt to provide every function known to
Man in one image, AnalytiCalc is a "second generation" integrated en-
vironment which provides the "glue" that allows you to use the best
other specialized programs you can find in a smooth way. It is also
constructed to work smoothly with other "glue" systems (e.g. TopView
(tm IBM)) so that you need not give up the communications programs,
editors, word processors, or database managers you already have.
AnalytiCalc has 5 major ways of addressing cells, over 78 func-
tions (more depending on how you count them), over 70 commands (with
more variations), unlimited windowing and programmability at the cell
and the sheet level, 16 digit precision, and a built in online calcu-
lator. It is designed to handle traditional spreadsheet problems,
data access problems, equation solving, engineering applications, and
finance, and is designed to be easy to extend both by adding to the
program itself and by adding commands externally. The entire program
can be driven from a command file, and individual cells can be driven
by one or more command files in addition to formulas; commands in
these command files allow programmable control of operations with
very high flexibility.
Interfaces exist to graphics outputs, to word processing in-
tegration with the spreadsheet (or AnalytiCalc may be used as a word
processing integration tool as a kind of framework document integra-
tor), to data access from data files separate from the sheet, and to
saved sheets permitting access to systems of spreadsheets. Simple
methods of moving to other system commands make this program a power-
ful command interface as well as a unique analytic tool.
AnalytiCalc is command driven, though a number of these commands
are automatically generated by function keys. Its commands are
mnemonic and intended to be extremely fast to use once learned.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 3
Unlike nearly all other spreadsheet type products, AnalytiCalc
delivers what it promises. If a cell can be addressed, it can be
used, subject only to limitations on the amount of disk storage you
allocate for backing store. You can use any "n" cells (where "n" is
18000 on the PC) fully with enough disk backup. Contrast this with
memory only systems which may address 500,000 or more cells, but
which permit only a few percent of these to be filled before running
out of room, even on large machines. (For example, the popular 1-2-3
spreadsheet on IBM PCs is reported to hold at most around 12,000 sim-
ple formulas on a 544K machine, or around 39,000 9-digit numbers.
(Our tests have run out of room at less than 7000 cells on a 512K
AT.) In contrast, AnalytiCalc can hold 32,000 17-digit numbers, long
formulas, or text strings in its cells, using disk store as backup
for memory. The 8088 version currently will run in 256K bytes of
memory and handle up to 18,000 cells with up to 109 characters of
formula in each. Thus the 8088 version can manage something over 2.1
megabytes of information, while programs like 1-2-3 V1A are
restricted to 0.3 megabytes approximately on normal memory PCs.)
Since the format of a spreadsheet sometimes needs to vary, no
simple fixed size can satisfy every need. For that reason,
AnalytiCalc allows its storage to be repartitioned so that up to
18,000 columns or 18,000 rows may be used. This is done under user
control (with normally suitable defaults) and allows use of cells
anywhere in the 18,000 by 18,000 space. You cannot fill more than
18,000 cells (chosen anywhere in the region, since there is no space
penalty for not using the upper left corner), but you have an address
range of 324 million cells. Legal column names range from A to ZPH,
and legal row names range from 1 to 18,000, and your display can show
any of this range in as many parts as there are cells shown on your
screen. (One application of this would be to use columns JAN, FEB,
MAR, APR, MAY, ... and TOT for month oriented applications, using
D## forms of cell addressing to do cross-column sums, if you want to
avoid a line of labels. This is more of a feat of virtuosity than a
production technique, but it will work and can be used as you like.)
Because windowing systems (e.g. the Topview system, or DESQ
(both trademarks)) work best with programs that use DOS writes,
AnalytiCalc can use DOS exclusively to write the screen. Because
however DOS is fairly slow, AnalytiCalc also goes to some lengths to
write only a minimum number of characters to the screen. This gives
a screen update which is slower than the author really would like,
but which is highly usable nevertheless. A side benefit is that this
program will run on anything that supports ANSI cursor controls,
which includes almost every MSDOS V2 or V3 machine. A direct-BIOS
write mode is available also, for use wherever it is desired. 132
column screens are supported by this program wherever DOS can handle
them. AnalytiCalc runs on IBM PC, XT, and AT, TAVA PC, Seequa
Chameleon, Compaq, Leading Edge, Columbia, Sperry, and most other
compatibles. Some MSDOS machines (e.g. Tandy 2000, IBM PCjr, Sanyo)
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 4
require more memory than 256K to run AnalytiCalc because of their use
of larger amounts of memory for MSDOS or other machine functions.
If you don't have editors, communications software, DBMS sys-
tems, or the like, we recommend you look into the Kermit communica-
tions package, PC-FILE for a DBMS, and SCREEN, DVED, PC-WRITE, or
WORDFLEX for editors or wordprocessors. If you need these applica-
tions, all the above are either public domain or "freeware". You may
contact the PC Software Interest Group (PC-SIG) at 1030 E. Duane,
Suite J, Sunnyvale, California 94086, telephone 408-730-9291, for
further information or disks and catalogs of their offerings. They
have about 400 disks full of free software at $6.00 per disk copying
fee. You will find a selection of handy utilities on this distribu-
tion including an editor, a calendar, and a primitive but generic
version of kermit (which can help you download a more recent version
if you can use one) among others. They may fill your needs.
AnalytiCalc's command structure is somewhat unique but simple
and logical once mastered. Commands you learned for the spreadsheet
system of your choice generally are NOT the same as here. But you
CAN perform all the same functions.
Remember two things first: in the default mode, you need an
Enter command ("E ") to enter text or numbers into the sheet, and
floating point numbers (most are floating point rather than integers)
need a period (.) in them to get AnalytiCalc to recognize them as
numbers rather than text. If you forget the period, the numbers will
be displayed, but only as labels, and the cell will have a numeric
value of zero.
If you want a more "traditional" command interface (entering
just numbers or formulas or labels/text by default and starting all
commands with a "/", use the command /; to get into that mode. The
prompt will change from > to : then as a flag and all commands will
need to be entered as /command where the command text is as described
herein. The descriptions here apply exactly to the "command-mostly"
mode, which is the initial default. The /; mode is sometimes called
the "enter-mostly" mode, as it is convenient for entering large
amounts of textual or numeric information. The command "//" gets
back to "command-mostly" mode.
You can have as many windows onto the sheet on screen as you
care to define. Default operation will allow screen redrawing as you
move beyond the edges of the display. This is more or less a stan-
dard type scrolling operation, and windows are preserved during
scrolls, but all move together. Separate scrolling can be handled
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 5
easily via function keys if desired however. The NS (NoScroll) com-
mand can disable scrolling if desired.
If the program's display is not as expected, use a V command to
redraw the screen and/or a R command to recompute to ensure the dis-
play is really incorrect. Automatic recomputation occurs normally
when data is entered, so most invalid conditions due to forward
references in equations or lack of an extra recalculation after copy-
ing is done are corrected in the normal course of use. Because of
the slowness of the PCDOS/MSDOS cursor controls, AnalytiCalc attempts
to update only regions of the display requiring it. It does so by
redrawing only cells that change value. Occasionally a cell which is
modified from a TEst command or another cell, or a textual cell, is
not updated. A View command (V) and/or a RF (Recalculate with Force)
command generally clear up any glitches.
Getting Started with AnalytiCalc
The AnalytiCalc spreadsheet asks some questions when you run it,
to set up its working storage.
Initial Questions (Startup)
Before AnalytiCalc begins with its screen-oriented operation, it
looks for a file (in the current directory) called ACINIT.PRM. If it
exists, it is read for replies. If not, AnalytiCalc asks a question
about which screen control method to use. AnalytiCalc can use either
ANSI escape sequences to control the screen (using the ANSI.SYS
driver in PCDOS and most flavors of MSDOS), or it can use the IBM
BIOS calls (via interrupt entries so they work on compatible machines
also) to handle screen writing. Speed differences are not great, but
if you do not load ANSI.SYS (or BIGANSI.SYS) for some reason and you
want to run the program, you can use direct screen control to do so.
The question is:
Use ANSI.SYS cursor controls or IBM BIOS [A/I]:
Reply either A or I. The default is ANSI controls. Note that this
choice can be altered later by the VB, VC, or VI commands (see
below), so it is not critical. If ANSI controls are selected, the
"Black and White" ANSI modes are used initially. ANSI controls en-
able highlighting of negative numbers in black and white, but the
direct BIOS calls do not. In color, negative numbers are displayed
in red, positive ones in yellow.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 6
If you wanted a pre-prepared set of replies for these, just
create a file ACINIT.PRM. (You need to reply to the first page worth
of questions in an ACINIT.PRM file, so the following example shows
sample replies to the others needed.) A simple way to set up replies,
requesting IBM BIOS video controls would be to type as follows:
Any title desired - use ZA command to reset this.
1 files copied.
Note the "^Z" means control-Z here. The file just contains the re-
plies as though they were entered on the screen. If the file exists,
the screen prompts will not appear however.
After these commands are put in, any other desired commands can
also be included to further set up operation. If you prefer to come
up in "enter-mostly" mode, for example, you could put in a command /;
in this file. If you are not using ANSI.SYS cursor controls, you
might initialize some of the AB0 through AZ0 formulas for commands as
described near the end of this document. Initializing commands for
these are included in the ACINIT.PRM example supplied in the
AnalytiCalc kits.
Initial Screen
When you run AnalytiCalc, it first asks you whether to change
the default floating point format. Most numbers are "floating
point", which means they can have fractional values. You will seldom
need integer numbers (which can take on only values -2,000,000,000
... -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,... 2,000,000,000), but will use normal
"floating point" ones in which it is legal to have values like 1.35,
2.5, and so on. Just think of "floating point numbers" as a synonym
for "numbers". The display format for floating point numbers is ini-
tially set to the Fortran format F9.2 (9 characters wide, 2 decimal
places), but if you reply Y, it lets you enter any format you like as
the default format. It will try to use it, so if you enter an ille-
gal format, AnalytiCalc will keep asking for a format until it finds
one that can display pi (3.14159) correctly. Note that the default
sets the format when you first put a value or formula into a cell to
be displayed numerically. Once you fill a cell, its display format
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 7
stays until you alter it with the DF command. Thus if you enter some
values, then use the S command (Setup) to change the format default,
and enter some more cells, only the second group of numbers/formulas
entered will have the changed display format; the first group will
not be changed. You can have up to 75 separate formats on a sheet,
chosen from among anything that Fortran can display. (A minitutorial
appears later in this manual.)
AnalytiCalc then asks you to enter up to 80 characters as the
Title of the spreadsheet. This is displayed at the top of the screen
and is used as a label for the sheet when printed out. (The space is
made available for this rather than being wasted on a copyright
statement on your screen.)
To reply, enter any title you like, up to 80 characters long,
followed (as all AnalytiCalc commands) by a carriage return. This
will appear across the top of the sheet on screen and in print images
of it. You may include any desired leading spaces in the title. It
will be printed on screen printouts, so make it descriptive of the
sheet you'll be using. (Note it can be excluded from printouts if
desired when row and column headers are being skipped.) This title
remains until an S command is given (at which time you can change the
work file also), though reading in a saved sheet also reads in the
saved title.
Discussion of Scratch Files
The PDP11 and PC versions of AnalytiCalc use memory arrays
backed by temporary disk files for values and formulas. These ask
how many K (bytes) to reserve on disk for the value file and the for-
mula file. Generally there should be somewhat more formula space
than value space if many long formulae are used; otherwise pick
roughly equal values. These scratch files are deleted on exit from
AnalytiCalc-PC, but the sheet will NOT run out of room provided suf-
ficient file space is allocated. If it runs out due to lack of room,
a message on screen will tell which file is out. Save the sheet and
restart then with a bigger file. The files are allocated on the
default disk when you run AnalytiCalc.
Four questions are asked. First, AnalytiCalc asks how many rows
and columns you expect to use on the sheet. Try to be accurate in
the replies you give, but great precision is not necessary. It will
then compute the necessary sizes of disk files assuming all the area
you gave will be solidly filled in and display these sizes for ad-
vice. Then, it asks how many K to allocate to value and formula
backing storage. Reply with what you want to use on disk; the files
will be allocated on your default disk and erased on exit.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 8
For a discussion of the issues of storage allocation, see the
Appendix on this at the end of this manual.
When these questions are answered, AnalytiCalc will display its
Calculation Screen.
Calculation Screen Display
The sheet is displayed at the top part of the screen and a com-
mand cell in Row 23 is shown with the current position encoded. This
starts off looking like
A 1> (if in "Command-mostly" mode)
A 1: (if in "Enter-mostly" mode)
and then AnalytiCalc awaits your commands. Note that if the cell
pointed to by the command (which is always a Physical sheet address)
is occupied (i.e., has ever had any numbers or text entered into it),
that cell is displayed in the display in reverse video when you are
positioned there. If the cell is totally empty, it is not displayed,
however, in any reverse video. A pattern of blanks is displayed,
wherever the cell is null. This pattern is in reverse video. If you
use the CTTY command to run your PC from a remote console, a VT100
type terminal can be used with AnalytiCalc because of the way it han-
dles the screen. (In fact, a VT100 will permit you to use the full
132 column display of the screen for numbers.)
In "Command-mostly" mode (the default), AnalytiCalc is a COMMAND
DRIVEN spreadsheet system. This means that you control the sheet by
entering a command followed by Return. These commands are in the
first few columns of the command line and are the first few
characters (often the first 1 or 2) you type, and they are REQUIRED
for every command. AnalytiCalc does NOT assume any command names.
AnalytiCalc will translate inputs to upper case unless a " character
exists in the input string. Many of the most-used commands are
however implemented as single stroke function keys; the ALT-F1 key
displays a diagram of these. The numeric keypad has been implemented
in as mnemonic a way as possible also, so that arrow keys, home, end,
page up and down, and control left and right arrows all have their
expected meanings. (For example, End goes to the end of the active
region, and the INSert key gets into "Enter Mode" (F9 exits that
mode) to allow continuous entry of data.)
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 9
If your function keys don't work correctly this way, you
need to type AUXKPD.TXT to initialize ANSI.SYS for input.
(In "Enter-mostly" mode, AnalytiCalc is much more similar to
"traditional" spreadsheets in appearance. If a / is seen to start a
command, a one line prompt will appear in line 25 giving some initial
character mnemonics for commands. It is not meant to be exhaustive,
but just a reminder.)
The commands available in AnalytiCalc are each described separa-
tely. The following is a brief listing alphabetically of their
names. Some infrequently used commands are omitted.
+J filename Start journaling to filename
+N Close journal file
< Rewind input file
%prompt%cmd%key% Issue prompt and do cmd depending on key
$ or } Perform operating system command
> or >>pattern Search for formula containing or starting
with pattern
* Comment line
-prompt Load arguments after prompt
// Use "Command-Mostly" mode
/; Use "Enter-Mostly" mode
/# Swap current mode with save mode
(command-mostly or enter-mostly)
1,2,3, or 4 Move cursor Up, Down, Left, or Right
@file.typ Read file.typ as input instead of console
AA nn {R/C} Add absolute nn rows or columns
AR nn {R/C} Add relocating nn rows or columns (nn may
be neg)
CA in-range out-range Copy All (Absolute)
CV in-range out-range Copy Value
CF in-range out-range Copy Formula (and Format)
CR in-range out-range Copy Relocating (all)
DB ncol,nrow Display Bounds (no. cols,rows on screen)
DF range [format] Display Format of range to format
DL range {R/C}n:m Display Locate range as Row/Col to dis-
play col:row n:m
DS{R/C}{A/D} n Display Sort row/col, Asc/Desc row/col n
DT range {F/I} Display Type range as Float or Integer
DW ncol,wid Display Width of col "ncol" to "wid"
E expression Enter expression into cell
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 10
E" expression Enter expression as text, no case
ED 'oldstring'newstring' EDit cell
ET expression Enter expression as UPPER CASE text
EV expression Enter expression as computable formula
F filename/nskip File read from filename onto display
G Get saved sheet. Many variants.
Hn HELP and show page n
IR inrange outrange In Place Relocate inrange as if moved to
K Go into interactive calculator (need
*V 3). *E goes back.
L cell Go to cell
M{0/1/2/3/4/5} Move - set move direction after enter
MS or MH Macrocell Show or Hide - show or hide in-
cluded files.
OA cell Origin Absolute cell - Map Screen with
cell in upper left
OAD cell Origin Absolute Displace cell - Map
Screen with cell in upper left leaving
old windowing alone
OR cell Origin Relative cell - map screen
down/right of cursor with cursor=cell
ORD cell Origin Relative Displace cell - map
screen down/right of cursor with
cursor=cell leaving old windows
OV + OVerride absolute refs, make relative
OV - OVerride off - let abs refs be absolute
P Put (save) spreadsheet. Many variations.
R Recalculate sheet
RB cell Set Relocate Boundary at cell
RF Recalculate, Force recalc of constants
RM Recalculate Manual - no recalc until R
S Setup - Global mapping/width/title setups
TE expression TEst - Evaluate math expression in cmd
mode - many special variants.
V View - Redraw screen
VF View Formulas - Draw with Formulas in-
stead of numbers
VM View Manual - no screen repaint until a V
W Write display to file or printer.
X eXit from AnalytiCalc. Asks for confir-
ZE range ZEro range of cells
ZA Zero All of sheet. Asks for confirma-
tion. Also used for reinitializing.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 11
Moving the Cursor
CURSOR MOTION (Commands to move around
the sheet one cell at a time)
1 (Move up) (or uparrow)
2 (Move down) (or down arrow)
3 (Move left) (or left arrow)
4 (Move right) (or right arrow)
The cursor motion keys move the cursor on the display in the
direction indicated. Note these keys are in the same order on the
keyboard as the arrow keys of the VT100.
The X and Y accumulators are set to the column number and the
(row number + 1) respectively during commands. This allows pro-
cedures to detect cursor position or motion where useful. These ac-
cumulators may be used within cells for anything; resetting them
does not move the cursor.
If the arrow keys move to the edge of the screen (or if auto mo-
tion does this), an automatic OA command is done to effectively
scroll the entire viewing screen by the number of rows or columns
minus 2. The command NS (meaning No Scroll) will inhibit this
redrawing. The scrolling can be re-enabled by giving the command SC
(SCroll). These commands do not redraw anything nor do they cause
recalculation; they merely toggle an internal control. The initial
state is SCroll mode.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 12
Insert or Delete Rows or Columns
(Adding or Removing Rows or Columns)
AA number R Add "number" rows ahead of the current physical
position, moving all cells below the current cell down by
"number" rows and losing the physical sheet's bottom
"number" rows' contents, NOT adjusting variable references
where the variables are in the moved range and are not the
position independent (P## or D## forms) type.
AA number C Add "number" columns ahead of the current physi-
cal position, moving all cells right of the current cell
right by "number" columns and losing the physical sheet's
bottom "number" columns' contents, NOT adjusting variable
references where the variables are in the moved range and
are not the position independent (P## or D## forms) type.
AR number R Add "number" rows ahead of the current physical
position, moving all cells below the current cell down by
"number" rows and losing the physical sheet's bottom
"number" rows' contents, adjusting variable references
where the variables are in the moved range and are not the
position independent (P## or D## forms) type.
AR number C Add "number" columns ahead of the current physi-
cal position, moving all cells right of the current cell
right by "number" columns and losing the physical sheet's
bottom "number" columns' contents, adjusting variable
references where the variables are in the moved range and
are not the position independent (P## or D## forms) type.
These commands permit the operations known on other spread
sheets as "insertion" or "deletion". Deletion takes place where
"number" is negative and the sense of the motion is reversed. These
commands change the physical sheet's contents and permit wholesale
modifications to variable names (other than P## or D## forms which
are position independent already and are left alone for simplicity
and to preserve some of the flexibility of the D## forms which can be
used for projections of 3D sheets onto the display and math with
ranges of these). To save a sheet for merging such selected values,
both forms, or at least the numeric form, of the Put commands should
be used.
Note that the previous contents of the rows or columns inserted
is RETAINED, though it can be zeroed by the ZE command if desired.
It will have been copied also to the lower or further-right
row/column also, but do not be alarmed; the space is free to re-use.
You may however elect to use this feature as a shorthand for copy.
The AR/AA operations take place on the physical sheet and do not
affect the display sheet mapping to the physical sheet.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 13
Copying and Replicating Cells
CA V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy all cell attributes from V1:V2
to V3:V4.
CV V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy numeric values only
CD V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy Display Formats only
CF V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy Formulas only (no relocation)
CR V1:V2 V3:V4 Copy all cell attributes as in CA
but relocate cell names to new location
from old one. Only relocate names right
of or below the cursor or on same row/col
with cursor (cells above or left of cursor
are NOT relocated).
IR V1:V2 V3:V4 Relocate formulas inplace, computing
displacements using distance "moved".
The Copy commands let you reproduce cells' contents in other lo-
cations on your sheet without re-entering them. The CA form is most
useful, though the CD part can be used to change default formats and
the others may be handy. Note that formulas are NOT changed by the
copy operation. If they should function correctly in their new loca-
tion relative to different cells, the cell identifications should be
position independent forms (P#n#m for forms relative to physical
sheet, D#n#m for forms relative to display sheet) so no modification
is necessary. CA will normally save all information about a cell in
the new cell.
Unlike the other C class commands, the CR command WILL relocate
any variable names that are below or to the right of the cursor at
the time the command is given. Names above or left of the cursor are
not changed. The row and column the cursor is in is included in the
relocation region. Thus, to be sure names are relocated, use a com-
mand like L A1 first to position yourself at the top left part of the
COMMAND!!!!!!! Note however that if you need certain cells NOT to be
relocated, the ability to place them above or left of the cursor when
copying or replicating cells around and having them left alone can be
useful. Normalization factors, for instance, can be left alone
(e.g., at the top of a column) and cells referring to them be copied
without having them point to the "wrong" normalization cell.
When you specify one variable to the C class commands in the
V1:V2 range location and give a range V3:V4, the command will copy
the named V1 into all cells in the V3:V4 range.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 14
The IR command allows inplace relocation of formulas. This
operates from the cursor to the Relocate Boundary (see below). The
*U HERE function returns the current maximum column used in the W ac-
cumulator and the current maximum row used in the Y accumulator to
permit the repeated use of IR from a command file to simplify moving
sections of the sheet.
Setting Size of Display on Screen
DB n,m Set number of columns displayed on screen
to n, number of rows displayed to m.
The DB command sets display size. It also effects the number of
cells modified by the OA and OR commands, so setting the display
small, doing an OA or OR, then setting it large, leaves the part om-
itted as it was before the OA or OR. The displayed window also con-
trols what is read in with the F command. Note that for automated
text retrieval, the VM command (to turn off redisplay during com-
mands) may be useful in connection with using DB commands, F com-
mands, and then V commands to turn the display updating back on from
command files invoked either by auxiliary keypad keys or from @file
For an example of DB, if you want a display of 14 columns by 20 rows,
the command
DB 14,20
would be the way to achieve it.
When a narrow screen (e.g. a 40 column screen) is used, the DB
command may be used to reduce the number of columns shown to allow
AnalytiCalc to operate. If your screen supports more than 80
columns, AnalytiCalc will allow their use by increasing the number of
columns seen.
The maximum bounds for DB are usually larger than a real screen
will hold, but the W command will write out up to these larger bounds
to allow long sheet printouts. On the 8088 version, up to 75 lines
length are permitted per page.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 15
Setting Display Format
Changing between Formula and Number Display
DF V1:V2 [format] Set Display Format AND
set up whether to
display formula or number
The DF command sets the display format for the variable range V1
to V2 inclusive to be whatever is in the square brackets. This is
expected to be a valid FORTRAN FORMAT specifier for display of the
number and may be up to 9 characters long. If the format specifier
entered is however just A or L in the first character, the program
will indicate the text is to be displayed literally, not as a number,
so titles and such can be shown. To display numbers in Fortran A or
L forms, just use formats like 4A1 or similar; as long as there is
something ahead of the A or L it goes to Fortran. The program will
try your format once before writing to disk to ensure against any
crashes that will damage your file. Otherwise, the format is up to
you. You can even display in octal or hex if you wish!
The DF command is used to switch a cell from display of numeric
information to formula/text display or back on a cell by cell basis
(the VF command globally switches cells from numeric to formula and
back, though a cell set to display text with DF always displays
text). To change a cell to numeric, merely use the DF command to
give it a numeric format (the default is normally F9.2 so the command
to set, say, cell G3 to be numeric (possibly after entering a formula
not containing +, -, ., (, or [ characters) would be:
DF G3 [F9.2]
for the standard Fortran F9.2 format (2 decimal places, 9 digits wide
display). In AnalytiCalc-VM, every cell may have an entirely unique
format. In AnalytiCalc-PC, however, only a finite number of unique
formats is possible (usually about 45) since storage is in memory.
The design limit is 255 unique formats, but very few spreadsheets
will need more than the 45 normally provided. Typical ones only have
2 or 3 unique formats. The formats may be ANY Fortran formats
The DF command will also set the type to Floating if the format
begins with F or E, and will set the type to Integer if the format
begins with I. Beyond this (e.g., for octal or hex) you must use the
DT command (below) to set the storage to floating (8 bytes) or in-
teger (4 bytes).
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 16
The DF command will attempt to avoid erroneous format inputs by
trying the format out on your current location. If errors occur, the
DF command will be quietly ignored, and the program will not crash.
This makes it difficult to switch to integer displays. To switch a
cell or range to integer, you must use the L command to move to a
cell not shown on the screen, then use the DT command to change the
desired cells to integer type, then use the DF command to change the
display format to an integer display format. The cells will then
work correctly as integer cells. Note this checking is done by
AnalytiCalc-Vm and AnalytiCalc-PC only.
A cell may be switched back to* its previous numeric format by
using the command DF v1 [*] where v1 may be a cell or range. This
allows temporary examination of formulas and resetting to numeric
without losing the format.
What Is Displayed
There are 2 items in any cell which may be displayed. One
of these is the number in the cell, which takes 4 bytes if
an integer, 8 if floating point, and which is displayed nor-
mally using a Fortran FORMAT statement type declaration.
The other is the FORMULA associated with the cell, which may
contain just text or labels. This is selected by the A or L
Thus, the declaration
DF A1:A64 [8A1]
would display the NUMBERs in column A as 8 characters (as-
suming this makes sense), and would cause strange errors if
the number did not make sense as characters.
The declaration
DF A1:A64 [A]
would display the FORMULA TEXT in column A on the screen.
This normally will always make sense, and is the normal way
to display labels.
FORMAT microtutorial
To reset FORTRAN Formats, the Fw.d format is useful. In that
format, w means an integer giving the width in characters of the out-
put number, and d is the number of decimal places to be shown. For
example F9.2 has 9 places total, 2 to the right of a decimal point.
A valid number in this format might be (supposing its' exact value is
The format F9.1 would give
123456.8 (note rounding)
The format F10.3 would give
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 17
You may devise whatever formats desired. In addition,
AnalytiCalc will only display the number of characters that fit in
the column on screen, so display width can be set to remove undesired
Other FORMAT types
The default F9.2 format occupies 9 of the default 10 characters
of column width. Where additional labels are needed, the 1Hc or 2Hcc
formats may be used. For example, to show dollars, one might write a
format as [1H$,F9.2] in the DF command. If as an alternative one
wanted to show thousands of dollars with one decimal place, a format
like [2H$K,F9.1] would place "$K" ahead of each number. Thus, a
value of 345.67 in the first format would look like
$ 345.67
and in the second format it would look like
$K 345.7
(since the spreadsheet only knows numbers, not their dimensions).
Where it is desired to display large numbers, FORTRAN offers the
E and G formats (the form of such a format is Ew.d or Gw.d where w is
the width of the number as printed and d is the number of decimal
points). The E format displays the number as a fraction followed be
E followed by a power of 10. The G format chooses a floating point
display or an E format depending on the number's size. Note that in
E and G formats, there need to be 4 spaces in the decimal field just
for the exponent.
The format you display in may be wider than the column; the
first "n" characters of the number are shown, where "n" is the width
of the column. Thus, if you use a format like F10.0 (which displays
10 digits followed by a period), the period will not show in the
default 10 character column width.
Available format designators for floating numbers (the ones
you'll use almost always) are:
Fw.d - Simple display with w characters of display (counting the
decimal point) and d decimal places after the decimal;
Ew.d - Display as a fraction followed by Enn where nn is the ex-
ponent of 10 to multiply the fraction by. The format kPEw.d causes k
digits to be displayed to the left of the decimal place, so that a
format of E10.5 might display the number 73.453 as ".73453E+02" and a
format of 1PE10.4 would display it as "7.3453E+01". The w is the to-
tal number of characters in the display, and the d the number of
decimals shown. Note that the w must have 4 extra characters to han-
dle the "E+nn" part of the number. Very large or small numbers can
be handled by this format where they would be too wide in F format.
Gw.d - This format works like the Fw.d format provided the number
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 18
is small enough to fit in the widths provided, and like the Ew.d
format otherwise. The display will include only d digits (or k+d di-
gits if using kPGw.d), so for cases where it works, the Fw.d format
is more space efficient.
Several "modifier" formats are available. nHxx allows characters
xx in the output. nX includes n spaces. TRc causes the next output
to appear c spaces right of the current one, and 'xx' acts like the
nHxx in outputting characters xx. The 'xx' or nHxx designators must
be separated by comma from following format designators. Also Dw.d
is equivalent to Ew.d. The optional forms Ew.dEe and Gw.dEe act like
Ew.d and Gw.d except that only e digits of exponent are displayed.
Fine Control Remapping Displayed Cells
DISPLAY LOCATE (Map physical sheet variables
onto Display Sheet)
DL V1:V2 Rn:m point at display coordinates (n,m) (col,row) and,
going left to right along a Row, copy in variables V1
through V2 (actually, point those display sheet cells at
variables V1 thru V2).
DL V1:V2 Cn:m point at display coordinates (n,m) (col,row) and,
going top to bottom along a Column, copy in variables V1
through V2 (actually, point those display sheet cells at
variables V1 thru V2).
The DL command lets you associate any variables in the physical
sheet with any location on the display sheet (the display sheet coor-
dinates always count from 1 as the topmost row or leftmost column,
through the maximum number there). This flexible association means
that in principle every cell on the display sheet can be a "window"
in the sense of other sheets, though that would be quite hard to fol-
low. If the :V2 part of the command is left off, only one display
cell is changed. This command is present to give "fine grained" dis-
play control. Most of the time the OA and OR commands will be used
instead, but this command allows you to tailor a display as needed.
It is recommended that the journalling be turned on before you issue
many DL commands to capture them into a file that can be played back
(via @file) to recreate the display mapping. The +J file and +N com-
mands turn journalling on and off.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 19
DSRA#nn Sort display on row/col nn (display coord)
The DS command sorts "normally" ordered display sheets. It
operates something like a sorted OA command, the sort key being the
number in a column or row. The command looks like this:
DS Command specifier
R or C - Row or Column specifier (i.e. whether to sort a row or a
A or D - Ascending or Descending order sort
nn - row or column number to sort on.
The command letters must all appear together. Thus a command to
sort Column 4 on the display in Descending order would be:
and a command to sort Row 3 in Ascending order is:
The sheet should be in "normal" order (as from an OA command) prior
to the sort for use. The area sorted is the part of the sheet dis-
played (set by the DB command, so it may actually exceed what shows
on the screen. The 8088 version of AnalytiCalc normally supports
very large display sheets to permit printout of large displays which
are not all visible on the screen; the screen display discards all
the un-displayable points, but the print routine, and the sorts, do
not.) That is, the display sheet size may be given as larger than
your screen will display, and the sort will cover that area. Note
that ONLY display sheet locations are sorted. A sort on the PHYSICAL
sheet may be done via a cell or sheet program, but this primitive
does not.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 20
DATA TYPE control
DT V1:V2 F Set V1 thru V2 to Floating data type
DT V1:V2 I Set V1 thru V2 to Integer data type
The DT command sets Float/Integer attributes on physical cells.
Initial default is F (8 bytes) but this can set it to I (4 byte in-
teger). Computation is done in floating point always, but I type
variables will be converted to integer when stored and may be dis-
played in valid Fortran formats. This information is stored/restored
by the P/G class commands. The type flag may also be set with a DF
command, which recognizes I formats as implying that data is of in-
teger type (if the first character of the format is an I) and treat
other formats as floating point (real) data. The integer data can
hold up to + or - about 2 billion. The floating point representation
permits nearly unlimited size numbers but only has 16 (roughly) di-
gits precision. Integer arithmetic is, within its valid range,
exact. When integer data is retrieved, it is converted to floating
point for calculations and converted back upon storage; this avoids
many potential internal problems of function validity.
Setting Column Width
DW N,M Set column N on display to be M
characters wide
DW lets you set any column width. They are independent of each
other, and may be set in any order. Maximum width supported is 132
columns. Note that when many widths are to be varied, the VM mode is
useful to prevent redrawing the screen between settings; the V mode
can then be reset once the widths are as desired. Setting column
widths is expected to be frequently done via a command file (see the
@ command below). The column number is normally displayed across the
top of the screen along with the physical cell the display column
currently is pointing to on the top row. This is shown in a form
like "AF = 4" in reverse video (or different colors). You use the 4
in this command. Because some commands (notably this one and the DL
command above) use DISPLAY coordinates, the columns are labelled in
this way to make it easy. Rows are not labelled because the labels
take too much space on screen.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 21
EDIT command
ED 'string1'string2' Replace string1 with string2
in current cell formula. Either
string may be null if desired.
The ED command allows editing of formulas with some extra bells
and whistles. Basically, the new string replaces the old one, EXCEPT
that it is possible to do some limited argument replacement.
The constructs &1 through &4 will be replaced by arguments 1
through 4 as last entered by the "-" command (see below). These may
be from 0 to 51 characters long each, and multiple & constructs may
appear in a substitution. No & constructs may recurse, however. A
second ED command can have the effect of the recursion in some cases
The construct &5 will evaluate accumulator Z and, if it is in a
range where it may be so represented, take its integer part and con-
vert it to a numeric string (up to 10 characters) in the place of the
The construct &6 will replace the cell with the contents of the
integer part of accumulator Z provided that that number is between 1
and 256. Thus, any single non-null ASCII code can be entered. Ac-
cumulator Z is used to avoid conflicts with %, which is used too fre-
quently to reserve for this purpose. To set up Z interactively to a
constant, the command "TE Z=nn." will set Z to the value nn.
The EDited formula is re-entered into the cell after the edit.
If the initial string is null, the EDit command appends the
replacement string onto the contents of the cell. If the replacement
string is null, the corresponding contents of the cell's formula are
deleted. Note that ALL matching strings in the formula are replaced,
not just the first. If automatic motion has been specified after an
Enter, it also occurs after an EDit. This allows a "dummy" EDit
(e.g. ED / / /) to simply move in the default direction without
changing any formulas.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 22
(Entering Data and Expression Formats)
E expression Enter expression and set as formula
or text based on contents
ET expression Enter expression and set as text
E" expression Enter expression and set as text.
Note this form does NOT
translate to upper case.
EV expression Enter expression and treat as
This command enters the given expression at your current cursor
position, and may optionally move in some direction that has been set
up by the M command (Move) after the entry is made.
The Expression may be text or one or more numbers, functions, or
equations (separated by the \ (backslash) character if more than one
per cell) in fully parenthesized infix notation. The expressions en-
tered resemble normal algebraic expressions, with the usual operator
precedence. There are 26 global accumulators named A through Z (plus
a special one named %) available; the result of a calculation is
always left in the % accumulator as well as the cell. Operators
available include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*),
division (/), and exponentiation (** or !), with normal precedence.
Many functions are also available, described below, for other opera-
tions. The operator evaluation order is functions, exponentiation,
multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, just as in
Fortran and most programming languages (and on most calculators).
Parentheses may be used to group calculations to override these
Simple examples of Enter are:
E 523.458 Enter the number 523.458 into
the current cell
E SUM[A3:A15] Enter the formula to compute the
sum of cells A3 through A15 and
produce the result in the current
Enter the label "MONTHLY REVENUES"
into the current cell. Notice that
the string does NOT have any of the
characters .[(+_ in it, so it is
treated by default as a label.
E (A2+A4+A6+A8+A9*A10+A11*A12)/(SUM[A2,A4,A6,A8]-A13)
Places the above formula into the cell
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 23
so that it will be evaluated. The
multiplications and divisions are done
before additions and subtractions, as
is the normal mathematical standard.
The formulas may of course contain
references anywhere on the sheet; they
do NOT have to all refer to the same
row or column.
The text entered becomes the Formula for that cell, and
AnalytiCalc takes a guess as to whether that text is just text or a
number to compute. If the text contains any of the characters (, +,
-, ., or [, it is assumed to be a formula, and the cell is marked as
containing a computable formula. Otherwise it is just treated as a
label and the formula itself is displayed. If you find the guess is
not to your liking, the DF command below lets you alter the format
and tell AnalytiCalc that the entry is / is not a numeric. An addi-
tional special character is the '"' (double quote) character. If
this character appears any- where in the entered formula, AnalytiCalc
will take the formula as text, regardless of whatever else is in it.
You can also combine comments and formulas by using a separate state-
ment and the *C construct
of Calc. Once a cell is set up as numeric or text, it remains as it
was originally set until changed (using the DF command, described
below). The ET and E" forms of the Enter command force the expres-
sion to be entered as non computable so that it is displayed rather
than computed. The EV form forces it to be computed, regardless of
whether any special characters exist. Numbers MUST have decimals to
compute properly however. Thus "EV 45" is INCORRECT, where "EV 45."
is CORRECT (assuming you want the value 45. to be computed; the
first will not). If the decimals are omitted, the expressions may be
considered integer. These will be converted, but the conversion has
some limitations and is advised against. Also, integer division
truncates results to produce an integer result (so that 7/2 would
evaluate to 3, while 7./2. would evaluate to 3.5, for example).
Thus, to avoid surprises, use decimals.
Commands will be translated to upper case unless a " character
appears anywhere in the command. If a " character is found, only the
first 2 characters are converted.
On the PDP11 or VAX, AnalytiCalc will turn the auxiliary keypad
feature of a VT100 on to allow use of the auxiliary keypad as a
shorthand for many user-specifiable command sequences. On MS-DOS
machines, the ANSI.SYS driver (V2 and later) may be used to control
display. It may also be used (and is set up by typing AUXKPD.TXT) to
define function keys. This allows ANSI.SYS to be preset to perform
keypad functions. A large version of ANSI.SYS, called BIGANSI.SYS,
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 24
is provided with the AnalytiCalc kit. This is needed to handle the
keypad redefinitions provided.
Most keys map to indirect files to make customizing AnalytiCalc
easier. These files must be in your current MSDOS directory to be
found (or a path search utility must be used). The system help file
is called PCCHELP.HLP and must also be in your current directory to
enable the HELP command to work. However, where filenames are
prompted for, AnalytiCalc can accept full MSDOS V2 pathnames. If the
program cannot open a file for reading which is requested, it will
attempt to create an empty file (and warn you of this on the top line
of the screen). Note that a "path extender" is generally packaged
with AnalytiCalc on 8088 to allow the help file to be in a separate
place however.
Within command files, it is sensible to permit entry from the
console of commands after prompts. Therefore the % command has been
added to facilitate such entry. There is an alternative method of
handling prompts (the "-" command) but this one is somewhat more
flexible. You will find examples of this in some of the .CMD files
supplied with AnalytiCalc, and may use it in your own if desired.
The operation is as follows: a line beginning in % is assumed to
have several fields:
in which FLD-1 if present is typed out to the screen first. Then
FLD-2 is passed as the command. If FLD-3 exists and starts with a ?
or \, then the terminal is read and the result is added onto the end
of FLD-2 before the command is passed back to the spread sheet. If
the command begins with a space or control character or a \, then it
is commented out and the command file falls past the % line. If
however FLD-3 started with ? and the initial read-in character is not
\ or a control character, the command file is rewound. This feature
is used in the enter command file (AKD.CMD) to implement an "enter
mode" somewhat akin to that of Visicalc, Supercalc, or others of that
ilk by automatically inserting the "E " of the PortaCalc Enter com-
mand until a \ is seen. If FLD-3 should be present and start with a
& character, the auxiliary file is closed there and console input
done as in \ input. (Note that a control-Z may be used to terminate
Enter mode also, and F9 is preset to terminate it.) This func-
tionality is probably less convenient than just using the /; command
to go into "enter-mostly" mode now, and should probably be ignored.
It is handy in templates to be used by novices though, since it gives
extremely easy console data entry in a controlled fashion.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 25
The expressions that are entered can be numbers or formulas re-
lating numbers and other cells. They may also consist of several
statements separated by a \ character which will all be evaluated at
that cell, up to 110 characters. Thus, valid commands might be
E 55.234 Enters value 55.234 at current cell
E B4+H2+D5 Cell will contain the sum of cells B4,H2,
and D5.
E Totals Cell contains literal text "Totals".
Formulas may be used too. These include 2 classes. The first
are the multi-argument functions, which either appear at the start of
their statements or substatements (alone), or inside expressions.
The difference between the classes is that the multiargument func-
tions must have cell NAMES or RANGES as their arguments, while the
single argument functions can have arbitrary Expressions in their ar-
guments. Otherwise they may mix freely. All functions listed below
may appear in command files or cells, and arguments must be cells,
not expressions or constants. The IF statement, while it is treated
as a function syntactically, may NOT appear inside general expres-
sions, but must begin a cell equation or sub-equation (i.e., it may
begin after a \ in a cell containing several operations). It cannot
be used inside command files driving cells, but its functionality is
supplied there by the "*J label" function, so no real limitation ex-
ists on capability.
The available multiple argument functions are:
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 26
SUM[variables] Sum of all arguments
MAX[variables] Max of arguments
MIN[variables] Min of arguments
AVG[variables] Average of arguments
AVE[variables] Average of arguments ignoring cells
containing 0.0 (e.g., labels)
STD[variables] Standard deviation squared
IF [V1.rel.V2] statement | else-statement
AND[variables] Boolean AND of all variables in list
IOR[variables] Boolean inclusive OR of variables
NOT[variable] Boolean complement of variable
XOR[v1,v2] Boolean exclusive OR of v1,v2
EQV[V1,V2] Boolean "equivalence" of V1,V2
(complement of exclusive OR, true if
bits have the SAME value)
CNT[variables] Number of nonzero variables in list
MOD[V1,V2] Returns V1 modulo V2 (i.e., remainder
of V1/V2 division.)
SGN[v1] Returns 1.0 times sign of V1
LKP[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
greater or equal to var, return its
index (starting with 0) into variables
LKN[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
less than or equal to var, return its
index (starting with 0) into variables
LKE[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
strictly equal to var, return its index
(starting with 0) into range. Note all
LKP, LKN, LKE return the last variable
index if no satisfactory value found.
NPV[disc,vars] Net Present Value of vars (equal time
interval numbers), at discount rate
disc where disc is a fraction
(e.g., .12 for 12%). Be sure the arguments
are all cells, not literals, including the
disc argument. Set a cell to the fraction
desired for the disc argument and use its
name in the arguments to NPV, rather than
attempting to use a literal (e.g., 0.12)
IRR[PV,FV,returns] Internal Rate of Return. Will compute
internal rate of return on up to 20
periods, returning rate per period.
The returns are expected to be at
equal time intervals. PV and FV are
initial and final values of investment
and the result is computed via Newton
approximation. As with all functions here,
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 27
be sure all arguments are cell names, not
literal numbers.
PMT[princ,inter,nper] Payment function. Generates payment
given principal amount, interest per
period (as a fraction), and number of
PVL[pmt,inter,nper] Present Value function. Generates present
value of a loan given payment amount,
interest rate, and number of periods.
All financial functions assume that
payments are for equal time intervals.
RND[V1] Random number. Generates a random number
distributed uniformly in the interval
0.0 to 1.0. An argument is required but
never touched.
In all cases except IF, arguments are variable names separated by
commas, or variable ranges, or mixtures separated by columns. Note
ARGUMENTS; literals and single argument functions may NOT be used
here. (That is why it is easy to place multiple commands on a line;
the ACs or cells may be loaded in "separate" steps.) The IF [] state-
ment is a partial exception since a range may be used to replace ei-
ther variable inside the [] condition brackets. The sum of the
ranges will be used in that case. A possible IF statement might look
IF [S2.LT.S5] R=2. | R=0.
The Boolean variables are computed by taking the integer values of
the variables and performing the appropriate boolean masking opera-
tions on them. The values are returned as whatever type (floating or
integer) the cell is. 32 bit integers are used. The CNT operation
will (generally) omit cells that have not been initialized, since
these have a value of 0.0 and are not changed unless modified expli-
citly. It may be used to compute a more accurate average than AVG
where many uninitialized cells add zero values in. The quotient of
the SUM divided by the CNT of a range will give an average of nonzero
cells only. The LKP function quickly locates a cell in a list where
the value is in a desired range; the *G function may be used to ex-
tract other cells close to the addressed cell (e.g., beside it or
below it). The LKN and LKE functions are exactly the same but search
for lower or equal values instead of greater than values. This makes
varied search strategies easy to do. These functions are most useful
in user command files for selecting parts of the sheet according to
criteria, as they allow very fast searches of large parts of the
spreadsheet from inside command files. In this application the LKP
class functions would be accessed via the TEst command. The NPV
function is the standard financial Net Present Value function, assum-
ing the discount rate is the fractional interest percent per period
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 28
for the amounts in the range given, and that the range of numbers
represents equal time periods. Remember to give a FRACTION rather
than a Percent, so a 5% interest rate per period should be given as
.05 for example. The IRR function will compute IRR given present
value, future value, investments per period (for up to 20 periods),
and assuming that the periods are equally spaced. The IRR value re-
turned is per period and must be multiplied by periods per year to
get a yearly rate. Note that other financial functions like PMT may
be easily obtained by simple cell programs. The RND function is
provided to give random numbers. This is useful in some types of
Monte Carlo financial modelling. If distributions other than uniform
ones of random numbers are desired, they may be obtained via standard
mathematical transformations from this uniform distribution. The
random number sequence is identical every time the spreadsheet is
GUMENTS. Thus, a command like "SUM[A1:A5,5.5]" is illegal. Instead,
use a command like "A=5.5\SUM[A,A1:A5]" or "A=SUM[A1:A5]+5.5".
The section on the interactive calculator (CALC) mode also men-
tions the single argument functions available. These include normal
trig and math functions like SQRT, SIN, COS, ATAN, AINT, ALOG, EXP,
SINH, COSH, and some others. These single argument functions may be
used in normal infix notation expressions, and do not have restric-
tions on the types of arguments permitted them. See the section on
Calc mode below for the full list. There are also a large number of
functions that are syntactically commands, but which perform calcula-
tions. These are also described in the Calc section and include date
and matrix arithmetic and some addressing arithmetic functions.
Variable Names
A valid variable name might be H14 or N22 or A3, or the position
independent forms P#n#m and D#n#m where n and m are offsets in Physi-
cal or Display sheets from the current column and row. A valid range
is 2 variable names separated by colon (:). Thus the range B2:B12 is
valid and means B2 through B12 inclusive. The range expression
D#0#1:D#0#12 is also valid and means the cells on the display sheet
in the same column but 1 to 12 rows down from the current cell in-
clusive. (The displacements may be negative too, with - sign to in-
dicate it, as D#-3#2 for the display cell 3 columns left and 2 rows
down from the current position.) The P# and D# forms are valuable
since they work wherever you move them. Other variables may be relo-
cated when moved (renaming them to correspond to their new loca-
tions), but the P# and D# forms need never change and allow working
with projections across the physical sheet in various ways. There
are a few restrictions with these forms. They usually need to be en-
closed in parentheses (e.g. (P#3#5) rather than P#3#5) inside ex-
pressions. For most purposes they do work interchangeably with other
name schemes however, though the "normal" naming scheme is generally
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 29
easier to use. Copying with relocation works with normal cell names,
provided that the cursor is above and left of cells to be renamed
(see below). The keypad copy command normally moves to A1 during a
copy for this reason. The D# forms do not always work in the ex-
tended address areas of the sheet, depending on recalculation mode.
The special construction P#%ab or D#%ab allows relative address-
ing relative to current physical or display location using accumula-
tors named a or b (where a or b may be any accumulator name from A
through Z but upper case is REQUIRED). This computable relative ad-
dressing affords greater flexibility in command procedure construc-
If a formula contains the construction {VN (where VN is any cell
name), the FORMULA for cell VN is inserted into the formula being
evaluated at that point, when the cell value is to be computed. This
may be done several levels deep, but is stopped after 10 translations
to avoid infinite loops due to circular references. Some care must
be used here since the final translated formula must fit in 110
characters and will be truncated if it gets too long. This construct
is useful where formulas are to be tested. These cell names may (in
AnalytiCalc versions for 320K and over) be replaced by alphanumeric
names of your choice; this will be discussed below. The formula
replacement feature provides a handy inline macro capability permit-
ting complex formulas to be entered more easily. This feature may be
used with the P#%ab form of addressing to provide runtime addressing
of formulas anywhere in the matrix. It may also be used (with the
position relative P## forms of cell names) to conserve storage where
a long formula must be repeated many times, at the cost of some
The command processor may use these inline macros in commands.
If a command line contains 2 successive underscores (__) anywhere in
its length, the underscores will be stripped out of the command line
and the command line will be scanned for {Vn forms. If any are
found, they will be substituted for prior to interpretation of the
command. This will occur AFTER any console text is read if console
text is required by one of the %%% forms of command line. This per-
mits formula cells to be used as a convenient place to store inter-
mediate answers in models being driven by command files. It is not
particularly useful from the console, but works, and may be used to
reenter a formula without moving it explicitly if there is a reason
to do so. (ENTER __{Vn).
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 30
Since it is sometimes useful to have mixed formulas which allow
certain cell references to be absolute and never relocated, with
other references which are relocatable, cell names may be specified
absolute. If the character "$" (dollar sign) is placed after the
letter, the number, or both, parts of the variable name, the part of
the variable name followed by the dollar sign is absolute. Thus, the
variable AB30 is relocatable in both row and column. Variable AB$30
is relocatable in row only (the 30 is not followed by $), and the AB
column will not be changed in any relocate. Variable AB30$ is relo-
catable in column, but the row 30 reference does not change. Vari-
able AB$30$ is totally absolute. Note that these absolute variables
are harder to move around even on adding or deleting rows, so they
should be used with care. This relocation protection can be tem-
porarily inhibited with the OV + command and reinstated with the OV -
command. This will allow copy of cells with relocation if it is
needed, without laborious editing. The program starts in OV - mode.
If the OV + mode is set, the program will remain in OV + mode until
OV - is set up again. The commands may be given in the form OV-,
OV -, OV+, or OV +.
Variable Ranges
Variable ranges must lie in a single row or column. Erroneous
specifications are rejected and ignored generally. For versions of
AnalytiCalc supporting matrix operations, matrix dimensions are
however given by specifying the upper left and lower right corners of
the matrices. Thus the range A1:B2 is the 2 by 2 matrix containing
cells A1, A2, B1, and B2. For operations using full rectangular re-
gions, support is offered via auxiliary keypad commands which allow
filling of large regions or moving data into them. This is done via
command files automatically invoked, but the methods used are tran-
sparent to the user. Other operations on rectangular regions not
confined to a single row or column may easily be added in the same
way. The internal implementation permits copying rows to columns and
vice versa as well as rows to rows and columns to columns; this is
why regions must be one or the other. It is expected that regions
are specified starting at top left and ending at bottom right. This
must be done; regions will not be completely handled otherwise. By
using in-cell loops for their innermost computations, these macros
are quite quick in execution and offer few disadvantages. They do
however ask separately for the bounds of the areas being modified.
Function Arguments
Note that the square brackets ([]) are needed to delimit
arguments in multiple argument functions. The results are left in
accumulator % and in the cell. The IF form will compare 2 variables
and execute either the statement or the else-statement (which must
NOT be another IF). The valid relations are:
.EQ. Equal
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 31
.NE. Not Equal
.GT. Greater than (V1 greater than V2)
.LT. Less than (V1 less than V2)
.GE. Greater than or Equal to (V1 >= V2)
.LE. Less than or Equal to (V1 =< V2)
and must appear in this form. (Note that your formulas must
generally be in upper case only; text can be anything.)
Unary Functions
The second class of formulas permit fully general arguments of
expressions, cells, and the like (and are evaluated AFTER the multi
argument functions lexically). These are more conventional, use
parentheses, and include single argument functions like SQRT, ALOG,
EXP, SIN, COS, AINT, ABS, ATAN, and so on. See the built in interac-
tive calculator mode manual section below for more detail. However,
they may use variable names as anywhere, not just single letter ac-
cumulators. Thus, SQRT(A5) is a valid number. There is a function
list in the documentation of Calc mode later in this manual.
Accumulators (Scratch Storage)
The single letter accumulators of Calc mode (letters A through Z
and %) are available globally and may take on all Calc mode data
types (see the description of calc mode below) including multiple
precision. They are usable globally on the entire sheet and may
serve as arguments to command files or return cells for results. In-
side command files, Calc mode can perform any of its usual calcula-
tions. The multi-argument functions listed above are not available
there (though they can be simulated by enumerating cells), but every-
thing else is. The letter accumulators are available in all cases in
addition to cells. Of course, any unused cell may be used as an ac-
cumulator too, but cells in the spreadsheet are at most 8 bytes long
and cannot hold multiple precision arguments.
To get, e.g., the square root of the sum of several variables
(in a row or column; ranges may only be in rows or columns together)
one might have a formula line like:
which computes the sum of the 2 cells and 3 ranges and leaves it in
%, then computes the square root of that and leaves it in the cell.
The formulas to Calc may be complex but MUST NOT be longer than 78
characters. Break up longer ones so they can be fed to Calc in
smaller chunks. Notice that the expression given could have been
written as SQRT(SUM[A1:A20,B4,F2,C5:C20,J3:M3]) but was broken up for
tutorial purposes.
Auxiliary Commands and Functions
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 32
The commands of CALC mode should be examined carefully for
usefulness. You can enter programs into CALC mode which can be used
as user-defined functions from the sheet if need be. See the do-
cumentation about the Calc mode (interactive calculator) for full
lists of functions and further information.
Several commands available in cell calculations which affect
computation exist; several will be described here as well as in the
section on calc mode (which describes single cell calculation facili-
ties in addition to those described here).
It should be noted that these functions start with the *
character which also starts comments in command files to AnalytiCalc.
Because of this, the "Enter-mostly" mode treats any text that starts
with * as a comment. To enter a FORMULA beginning with an *
character in "Enter-mostly" mode, you must use the syntax
/EV formula
where formula might be something like "*U IDATE" (without the
quotes), i.e., something that may start with a * character. This
method allows the formula to be entered correctly. Notice this is
the "Command-mostly" command for entering a formula. It ALWAYS
works, regardless of the type of formula.
One of these is the *G command. Its syntax is
*G V1,V2
which has the effect of evaluating variables V1 and V2 as column and
row numbers on the physical sheet and returning the physical sheet
variable addressed by those variables. The ranges are clamped to fit
on the sheet. This gives indirect addressing, permitting lookup
tables to be made up by creating the index you want and then access-
ing the addressed table element. Typically the *G command would be
the last on a formula line, though it need not be. Its value is re-
turned in the % accumulator.
Another is the *W command, which simply takes the number in %
and places it in the formula for the current cell on the spread
sheet. This may be used to "freeze" a value, replacing a formula by
a constant for future use. Note that the previous contents of the
formula entry are lost. Thus, a *W command in the sheet will nor-
mally cause itself to be overwritten after one use. The number is
stored in a format D35.24 in the worksheet.
To implement user functions, if Calc sees an expression of the
form "*@filename.ext", it will execute that file as a command at that
cell. Any filename may be used and as many functions as desired can
be handled in this way (with obvious overhead), with nesting depth of
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 33
up to 3 permitted. These command files correspond to "macros" in
other spreadsheets, and exist outside the sheet, so a command file
can be used by many worksheets.
AnalytiCalc has also a command called *P which allows resetting
of the physical coordinates while executing a cell's formulas, FOR
mode) only.
The syntax of the *P command is either just *P (which causes
AnalytiCalc to prompt for column and row), or *P Variablename (which
moves the current location to the named location), or *P@
variable1,variable2 (which moves to the location which is defined by
variable 1 and 2 as col. and row).
There are several other useful calculation commands, a few of
which are summarized here.
The command *F LABEL
will evaluate the % variable. If it is positive and nonzero, then
the current input line will be rewound and the program will
(silently) seek a line of the form *CLABEL. This allows loops to be
defined with % as the counter. This command acts on the unit used by
the AnalytiCalc @ command, NOT the unit for the Calc *@ command, and
is a way that the Calc formula conditionals may be reflected back
into its command processing. The TE expression command should be
used first to set the % variable as needed to any arithmetic expres-
sion to control the loop.
The command *J LABEL
will act as does *F LABEL but its search will be in the current file
opened by a Calc *@ command (i.e., an *@file inside a cell on the
sheet, or given from the console after a K command [see below] to
enter bare interactive Calc).
The command *QF or *QW file ?searchkey? <cc>
("Query Float" for getting a real ("floating point") number into the
sheet from a file, or "Query Write" to write part of a file into the
sheet) will open file and look for lines starting with searchkey as
given (with _ as a wild character). Upon finding this, it will look
for the <cc> and if it finds it, it will select the part of the line
in the file between the 2 characters given (which may be alike) as
they are first found, and will do one of 2 things. If the command
was *QF, then Calc will Float the value found there (attempting to
use a large D format) and return it in %. If the command was *QW,
then Calc will Write the selected part of the record into the formula
at the current physical position on the sheet (which may be reset by
an IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING *P command). The record may contain the
search key anywhere. It is up to the user to make sure the formulas
copied make sense. This however allows access to sequential files of
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 34
data which can be created by an editor, word processor, etc., and
which might hold keyed information that the spreadsheet should be
able to manipulate. As a user convenience, there may be a second key
specified (also inside a pair of ?s). If two keys are specified,
Calc will search for and require that BOTH be somewhere in the record
accepted. Note too that the files opened may not have any records
longer than 128 characters per line. There are 2 variant forms, in-
volving the 4th character (i.e., the next one after the F or W of *QF
or *QW). These may permit sequential access to a data file. The
*QFK command is exactly like the *QF command (ditto *QWK and *QW) BUT
it will not close the data file after finding the desired cell unless
it reached EOF. This permits subsequent commands of the *QFN command
(for "Next") to continue reading the file. The *QFN command will
continue reading the file (the file spec must be there but is ig-
nored) from the next record and will also not close the file. (Ditto
*QWN.) The *QFC command will act exactly as *QFN BUT will close the
file when the request completes. Thus, a file may be opened with a
*QFK (or *QWK) command, subsequent data retrieved by *QFN commands,
and finally the last data retrieved with a *QFC command. Also, *QF
commands will close the file prior to opening another. The command
mnemonics here may be read as Query File [Next/Close/Keepopen].
Formulas entered may have the following constructs which will be
edited into the formula as entered (so a command file can enter
_@V1,V2 Means get the values stored in V1 and V2 and use
them as column and row locations pointing at some cell
in the sheet. Replace the construct with the name of
that cell.
_#V1 Means take the real number in cell V1 and unpack it as
if it had been a packed value from a formula with 8
characters packed; then convert it back into ASCII and
place in the formula in place of this construct. This
construct is intended to be used with the *U STRVL
function to allow retrieval and edit of formulas. The
*U XQTCM function permits use of the EDit command (as
well as others) within a cell for string manipulation.
Only 8 characters at a time may be represented (the
limit imposed by cell size), but repeated use allows
handling any desired length. An application would be
setting the cell used as V1 to a packed representation
of either of two strings inside an IF [] and then EDit-
ing the string into the formula as desired where one of
the 2 strings should be made to appear. This capabil-
ity is crude but provides the bare bones functionality.
Additional USRFCT calls to give simpler (but more ver-
bose) string manipulations are not too hard to add
should the user need them.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 35
Formula Length
Formulas have 109 characters allotted to them for use inside the
spread sheet. It may happen these are not enough for use. In other
spreadsheets, the technique is to put the formulas in other cells in-
side the sheet and possibly use screen windows to avoid display of
the intermediate results.
While you can use that technique here too, you have an alterna-
tive. It is to use an indirect file in that cell and inside the cell
in the spreadsheet just have a command "*@FILE.TYP" where the file is
named "FILE.TYP" (you pick the real name). Inside this file may be
whatever calculations you like.
So long as the file is to operate in a fixed cell location in
your spreadsheet, you may use variable names like A3, D1, etc. in-
side the file. Your command files may include any multiple argument
functions except the IF function. (The *F and *J functions can be
used to provide equivalent functionality inside command files
however.) The only restriction on multiple argument functions is that
their arguments must be cells, not general expressions.
Once you add or delete rows or columns, or copy a formula,
though, the file may not work as expected if the cell calling it has
moved. Since the relocation done by AnalytiCalc only operates on
formulas stored directly in the spreadsheet, it cannot relocate vari-
ables in the indirect files. However, you can make the files "posi-
tion independent" so they WILL work wherever they are called from.
(This has the side benefit that a single file can be called from many
The way to make the files position independent is to use
location-relative variable names instead of absolute ones. That is,
inside cell B4, the cell immediately above can be named B3 (the AB-
SOLUTE name), or it can be relocatably named P#0#-1 (the relative
name). Likewise the cell one to the right would be named either C3
or P#1#0, and so on. The cell two down and one left would be either
A5 or P#-1#2 (you can begin to see how it goes). A file containing
only location-relative variable names will work even if called from a
different cell, since the references will be figured out when used.
These references are more difficult to write than the absolute ones,
but since they work without renaming, they provide a level of flexi-
bility needed where long formulas must be used. These forms should
be used wherever indirect files are used to hold cell formulas. The
computed cell name forms like P#%ab can be used also provided the a
and b accumulators are initialized properly, or the command file does
its own relocation using the X and Y accumulators set on entry.
By using command files, it is possible to add your own functions
to the spreadsheet. Just devise a command file that performs the
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 36
arithmetic and addressing you need and use *@file.typ where you want
to evaluate the function. Arguments can be passed in accumulators
and P## or D## forms can be used for cell addressing (note that it's
P#col#row and D#col#row). The *U HERE function can be used to return
the current location in two accumulators to allow address arithmetic.
Linking Multiple Sheets
To enhance AnalytiCalc, it is possible to have a cell refer to
cells from another, saved sheet anywhere in the system. The sheet
must normally have been saved NUMERICALLY (see PPN command below)
starting at the upper left (i.e., cell A1) as would be the convention
for using with ACGRAF, the associated graphics output utility.
The command *XV filename V1
will eXtract the Value of cell V1 (V1 is any variable name, e.g.
C15, AA3, F9, B34, etc.) from the saved sheet saved in filename. The
filename is any legal host system file specifier. Note that there
may be as many files as desired here, but only one cell is returned.
If it is desired to extract a formula from a saved sheet saved
NON-NUMERICALLY, the command form is
*XF filename V1
and this will cause the formula in "filename"'s cell V1 to overwrite
the current physical sheet. To avoid this, one might write a formula
*P V2 \*XF myfile.typ V1
which would cause current sheet variable V2 to have its' formula
loaded from saved sheet "myfile.typ"'s variable V1. Note too that
the GPR or GDR commands will load saved sheets onto the current sheet
(starting at the cursor) with all formulas relocated, so that entire
saved sheets can be merged quickly where the one by one operations
just described would be too slow.
In general, save your sheets symbolically (non-numerically) for
archival purposes; save numerically for post processing or handling
of data by "master" sheets or for graphics. You may want to edit
AUXKPD.TXT so that F4 saves the entire sheet both symbolically and
numerically if you frequently do both and want the two to be in syn-
chronism. The default save, PPX, now saves both numbers and values
so it is normally all that is needed.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 37
Loading Non-AnalytiCalc text files onto the Sheet
F filename/nnnn Read filename, skipping nnnn lines
if the "/nnnn" is there, and load
contents onto the currently displayed
screen, broken into columns as the
current screen is set up.
This command is designed to make it easy to load document files
into AnalytiCalc in quasi-image mode. Once loaded, the characters
are in formula cells and may be moved around the sheet. The display
format must be reset to get them to be treated as non-text; this
command will reset all loaded cells to text format display. It
repaints the screen upon loading. This feature makes it easy to cap-
ture data in AnalytiCalc from other unrelated programs. You can com-
pute with cells that are loaded in this way but contain valid numeric
data by changing them to numeric cells by the DF range [*] command.
If you need to add decimals to the end of the cells' numbers, the
ED //./ command will add a decimal to the end of a number and the
ED / // command can be used to get rid of extra space characters in a
Getting Saved Sheet Data from Files
GD Reload sheet down/right onto display
GP Reload sheet down/right onto physical
GPR Reload sheet onto physical coords and Relocate
formulas as if the saved A1 cell were moved
to the current cursor.
GDR Similar to GPR but on display coordinates.
Gxx+ Add saved sheet (if default save) values
to current values; enters Recalc Manual mode.
Gxx- Subtract saved sheet (if default save) values
from current values. Also enters Recalc Manual
The GP/GD commands are the inverse of the PP/PD commands and
load those files to potentially new locations. This is the simple
way to merge sheets. In these cases, you are separately asked for
filenames and limits on what part of the sheets to load/save. Only
cells that are marked in use are saved, so sparse sheets take less
space than saving the direct access files. Note that on save or
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 38
restore the ranges to restore are asked for. To restore the sheet
starting at the cursor, specify the lowest row/column offset of 1 and
the highest either 0 or a very large number. Any rectangular region
can be restored by giving the X and Y coordinates of the lowest and
highest offsets from the upper left to restore, counting from 1. If
the P or D is omitted from the GPx or GDx commands (where x is either
R or anything else), the action will be determined by whether the
sheet was saved by a PP or by a PDx command. REMEMBER: THE LOW
The GPR or GDR commands relocate a saved sheet to a new loca-
tion. If for example a sheet is saved from A1 on down and right, if
it is loaded into another sheet when the cursor is at another cell,
all formulas are relocated on load so that they are correct for the
new location. (This follows the normal relocation control rules so
that the $ forms of names may inhibit relocation.) The intent of this
is that it makes it trivial to merge multiple sheets and make summary
In AnalytiCalc/PC, the logic to write to cells involves checks
of the built in symbol table to ensure that cells are not previously
there and needing to be replaced. This slows the Get operation con-
siderably, and is normally bypassed. However, where a saved sheet is
being merged into an existing sheet (rather than restoring into a
previously empty region of the sheet), the full logic may be needed
for correct operation. To get it, enter the filename followed by
"/M" (so that to read SAVESHEET.PCC in the full-update mode you reply
SAVESHEET.PCC/M to the "Enter Filename>" prompt, rather than just
SAVESHEET.PCC, as an example.) (M stands for Merge.)
The + or - modifiers in the 4th character of the command allow
you to add or subtract multiple saved sheet values. These require
that the normal default save (which includes both numeric and formula
data) have been done to save the sheets being added. The values in
the sheet have the saved values either added (if +) or subtracted (if
-) from the current values. The manual recalculation flag is set to
prevent any automatic recalculations also, since formulas are loaded
from the last sheet loaded and overwrite other formulas in the same
cells. (This is generally not a problem.) To manipulate these values
if there is a need to, the TEst command and the matrix math functions
(which include multiply matrix by constant) allow two dimensional
areas to be moved around or multiplied by constants without turning
on the sheet recalculation. Thus, averaging 4 sheets could be done
by a GP command, three GPx+ commands, and then a TE using the *U
MMPYC function to multiply the whole area by 0.25. (One could use TE
A=0.25 to get a "cell" A0 to use in the MMPYC function if no 0.25
value existed to use already.)
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 39
The AnalytiCalc HELP System
Hn Display a screen of help. (n from 0 thru 9)
The H command will display a screenful of help giving a summary
of many AnalytiCalc commands and syntax options. When you type a
second return, it will redraw the screen.
The F1 key also means 'Help', and the ALT-F1 key draws a diagram
of the function key assignments. Control F1 will draw a one line
reminder HELP message on line 25.
There are multiple help pages. They are selected by commands H0
through H99, the number defaulting to 0 and selecting which help
screen will appear.
LOCATE CURSOR (GOTO somewhere on the sheet)
L variable-name Position cursor at variable-name
The L command moves the current position to the variable named
on the Physical sheet (and the display sheet if the variable is on
the display). Examples might be SKIP 1
L B3 Move to cell B3
L D6 Move to cell D6
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 40
Setting Direction for Motion after Entering Cell Contents
Direction to move after an Enter)
M0 (Restore last auto move direction)
M1 (Move up)
M2 (Move down)
M3 (Move left)
M4 (Move right)
M5 (No auto motion)
The M command causes automatic cursor motion after an E command
in the direction indicated. This only occurs after an E command.
The default condition is not to move at all after an E command, and
this may be reestablished by a command of form M5 (actually Mc, where
c is any character other than 1 to 4.) The M0 command restores the
last automatic motion direction and saves the current one as the new
last direction. This is useful where a command procedure needs to
turn off auto motion but wants to turn it back on at the end; a
dummy EDit may be used if a single motion is needed.
Including Multiple Files into Reports
MS Macrocell Show (handles &% and &&% files)
MH Macrocell Hide (no special & treatment)
&%file,nskip,nshow overlay file on screen
&&%file,snskip,nshow Include file for output
The MS and MH commands turn on or off the handling as print time
macros of the &% and &&% forms of filenames. These permit you to use
AnalytiCalc for report generation or outline handling more easily.
In MS mode, if a cell has an &%file form in it, that file is read
when that cell is displayed. The first "nskip" records are skipped
in the file, and up to "nshow" lines of the file are displayed on
null cells of the spreadsheet. Up to 4 files may be open at a time
here. The left margin of the file text is made to coincide with the
location of the cell containing the reference. You can use the $
(spawn) command to edit these files with your favorite editor or word
processor on the system and they will automatically be updated on
screen. The &&% form is used to include (possibly lengthy) files in
output. The files are included in spreadsheet output at the point
they are seen, indented by the amount of the indenting of the &&%
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 41
command form. Therefore, you can use AnalytiCalc to organize a mul-
tilevel hierarchy of printout of reports. If a &&% form is seen in
one of the files being included, that file is opened and included.
This nesting may go to a depth of 4 levels. This permits a real
"frame editing" using AnalytiCalc and your favorite editor or word
processor (WITHOUT requiring you to learn yet another editor.)
In general, AnalytiCalc is not supplied with a text editor.
Most people will already have one and it was thought a waste of time
to ask anyone to learn another. Rather, the program allows you to
use whatever editor you like (via the $ or } commands to exec your
own editor) even under the sheet. What is added is rather the abil-
ity to ORGANIZE documents flexibly and easily. AnalytiCalc graphs
also are written in a format that permits this treatment. Because
AnalytiCalc uses DOS to do its console writes, it will also work
within most or all windowing systems in an orderly way. (Maybe some-
day DOS will be faster...). A console mode ("View IBM") is provided
which uses the IBM BIOS for its screen handling, but this does not
gain much speed over the DOS driver and will be useful in only a few
situations. When using the DOS modes, this BIOS dependency will
never cause problems.
Resetting Displayed Part of Sheet
(Windowing and Scrolling)
ORIGIN RESET (Windows onto physical sheet)
OA variable Reset origin of display to variable
OR variable Reset display down and right to start
with variable
OAD variable Reset origin of display to variable
leaving windows intact.
ORD variable Reset display down and right to start
with variable leaving windows
The OA and OR commands let you do quick scrolls around the phy-
sical sheet by resetting the upper left corner of the display sheet
to point at any variable on the physical one and make the rest follow
suit (OA), or will reset the display sheet starting at your current
cursor location to point at the physical sheet variable and make all
parts of the displayed sheet down and right from your current loca-
tion correspond likewise.
Thus, if you start with a normal initial display and execute the
L C1
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 42
you wind up with columns A and B still on screen, but now the remain-
ing columns are H, I, J, K, L instead of C, D, E, F, and G. This
happened because cell H1, down and right were pointed to by the dis-
play sheet starting where you were, which was cell C1, initially the
3rd column and first row. Had the command been OA H1, the column la-
bels would be H-N rather than the initial A-G.
If the OAD or ORD forms are used, the area remapped is simply
moved by the offset between the old origin of the region you're
remapping and the new origin, so windows stay relatively placed as
they were. Scrolling now uses OAD and ORD forms so windows stay in-
The difference between OA, OAD, OR, and ORD may be illustrated
in the following figures, which represent the screen mapping after a
command sequence
L C1
L A11
OR A100
which produces a screen mapping like this: (note only part of the
map is reproduced...)
1> A1 B1 AA1 AB1 AC1
2> A2 B2 AA2 AB2 AC2
3> . . . . .
4> . . . . .
5> . . . . .
10> A10 B10 AA10 AB10 AC10
100> A100 B100 C100 D100 E100
101> A101 B101 C101 D101 E101
104> and so forth. Note that columns
105> AA, AB, and AC are now mapped
106> for only 10 rows. Thus we have
107> 3 screen regions, not 4.
While after a sequence like:
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 43
L C1
L A11
ORD A100
the resulting screen mapping looks more like this:
1> A1 B1 AA1 AB1 AC1
2> A2 B2 AA2 AB2 AC2
3> . . . . .
4> . . . . .
5> . . . . .
10> A10 B10 AA10 AB10 AC10
100> A100 B100 AA100 AB100 AC100
101> A101 B101 AA101 AB101 AC101
104> and so forth. Note that columns
105> AA, AB, and AC now extend to
106> the full screen. This gives
107> 4 screen regions.
These figures illustrate the usefulness of the OAD and ORD com-
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 44
Putting Data to Files
PD Put out current Display sheet (Formulas)
PP Put out current Physical sheet (Formulas)
PDN Put out current Display sheet (Numbers)
PPN Put out current Physical sheet (Numbers)
S Startup questions. Allows global width
and format settings and new title entry.
The S command will lead to questions being asked about whether
to update the display mapping. If you reply Y, you will be able to
reset the default display column width to whatever you like between 1
and 120 characters and to say whether to reset the display sheet to
point to the upper left of the physical spreadsheet. In any case you
will be able to reset the default format and the spreadsheet title.
In AnalytiCalc-88, this is all the S command does.
The PD and PP commands write Display or Physical sheet cells
that are active to a specially formatted sequential ASCII text file,
always starting from the current position of the cursor and saving
right and down. Some questions will be asked so you may enter a max-
imum displacement to save (so not all of a large sheet need be saved)
in columns and rows. On reload (the GP/GD commands), these questions
are also asked, and minimum displacements are asked also to allow you
to enter basically any region of the saved sheets into the current
sheet starting at the current location and moving down and right.
This gives a large scale move capability and a sheet merge capabil-
The PPN and PDN commands save numbers instead of formats to
permit loading of isolated numeric values from other sheets by using
the GD or GP commands (below). They record only numbers and not for-
mulas, but this allows any cell's numeric value from other sheets to
be loaded into another sheet without loading all formulas and repeat-
ing calculations. Also, the PPN/PDN commands are needed to use the
ACGRAF program to graph parts of a sheet if this form of output is
The PP/PD commands are suitable for archival storage of spread
sheet data, or for its transportation to differently compiled ver-
sions of AnalytiCalc.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 45
Recalculation Control
R Recalculate all of the sheet.
RM Recalculate manually only until R command given
RE Recalculate Entries as made but nothing else until
R command given.
RI Recalculate Incremental - Calculate displayed cells only.
RM Recalculate manually only until R command given
RAF Recalculate sheet, without constant recalculation
RF Recalculate, Force constant recalculation.
RR Recalculate, Force, but stay in RE or RI mode if in
it already.
The R command forces a recalculation of the sheet. This will
evaluate all formulas on the sheet and update the display to show the
new numbers. Normally, recalculation is done after each number is
entered to update the new cell, but the RF command forces total re-
calculation in case anything was missed. The standard keypad's Re-
calculate key generates the RAF command automatically for ease of
Since these calculations can be time-consuming, you can suppress
them while doing input by entering the RM command (Recalculate
Manually) which suppresses recalculation until an R command is en-
tered. This command's format is just
For further speedups, AnalytiCalc can be put into RE or RI mode
to recompute only the cells just entered after each entry, or to com-
pute cells on the display only. It starts in RI (Recalculate In-
cremental) mode until an R command is given. After an R or RF
command is given, AnalytiCalc goes into a mode where it will compute
ALL cells that have anything in them at each sheet recomputation.
Another RI or RE command will return to the previous mode. The RR
command does a RF (Recalculate, Force constant recomputation) but
stays in Incremental or Entry mode. Whenever a new sheet is loaded,
a single R is done automatically regardless of the current mode.
To speed normal recalculation, AnalytiCalc only computes con-
stants once. The normal RF command will force them to be recomputed
also. AnalytiCalc normally will keep track of the lowest and
furthest right cells in use and only ever try to recompute cells that
have active values there.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 46
Setting Relocation Boundary
RB* Set maximum row and col for relocation
to end of sheet
RB Var Set maximum row and col to be relocated
to coords of Var (cell name)
The RB command affords a way to specify a lower right corner to
the area relocated by any of the copy and relocate operations. Below
or to the right of the relocation boundary, moves are all treated as
absolute even if specified as relative. Therefore the area below
this boundary will not be relocated by the AR commands or the CR com-
mands. This allows the AR operation to relocate only a finite max-
imum number of rows or columns, or permits cells moved beyond the
boundary specified to be unrelocated. The upper left corner of the
relocation area is defined by the cursor position, so this permits
any rectangular area to be moved without relocation while the rest is
relocated. Combination of this feature with the AR and CR commands
permits moving rows or columns (or parts of them) via command files.
This moving would generally be done with the IR command to relocate a
region in place to be moved to another site, then actually copying it
(absolutely) to the desired destination. Alternatively, the AR/AA/CR
commands can be used to move things around. For example, a rectangle
could be moved away from the origin further by using the cursor and
the RB command to delimit the area to move, then using a command file
to cycle through a set of CR commands to copy all cells down the
desired amount. The AA command could then be used to delete the un-
desired top cells and the area to be moved now moved into its new ad-
dress, all other cells having been relocated. The functionality of
moving cells is however much better served on AnalytiCalc by the OA,
OR, and DL commands to reset the display mapping (possibly while log-
ging keystrokes so the mapping can be easily reproduced) to effect
the desired move. For simply reformatting the screen, DL affords
control at the level of any regions desired. A command file should
be devised for moving cells but only used when really needed badly,
if such actions are needed for other reasons. There will be very
little need for them under most circumstances however. Where cells
must move closer to the origin, an AR command at the origin can be
used to provide temporary space in which to move the cells; at the
end, they will be moved back further. The IR command (Inplace Relo-
cate) can be used to avoid major moving around the sheet. The
*U HERE function will return the current max column in accumulator W
and the current max row in accumulator Y to facilitate this. These
maxima can be used to write an efficient command file to copy only
the areas in use. Internal loops in a formula (with the *U XQTCM
function) are the fastest way to implement such a loop.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 47
TEST expression command
TE expression Evaluate expression, save in %
The TEst command allows command level calculations, for use in
controlling loops. It evaluates the expression (up to 79 characters
long) and stores in the % accumulator. Useful for *J type commands
to control branching in AnalytiCalc. Any expression may be handled
in a TE command, and forms of the sort Z=expression are allowed.
NOTE however that it is frequently desirable from command files to
add a C to the end of the formula since sometimes junk from preceding
lines is not zeroed. The \*C causes it to be treated as a comment
and ignored.
The TEst command will calculate formulas even in restricted re-
calculation modes (RM mode, RE mode, or RI mode) since it ALWAYS
evaluates the expression regardless of mode. The construct to evalu-
ate a cell with a command like
TE V1=__{V1
(which sets a cell value to the computed value of its formula) is ex-
plicitly legal and can be used where it is desired to perform irregu-
lar partial recomputations while in RM mode.
V Redraw screen with normal formats
VF Redraw screen showing all formulas
VM Don't redraw screen until a V or VF is
VC Turn on color mode (AnalytiCalc-88 only)
"View Color"
VB Turn on black and white mode (AnalytiCalc-88
only) (Default mode; works on both
color and mono based systems.)
"View Black and white"
VI View IBM - use black and white display via
IBM PC BIOS rather than ANSI.SYS driver
for cursor control.
The V and VF commands redraw the display screen showing numerics
as numerics in the selected format (V) or displaying whatever part of
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 48
the formulas fits on screen in the column (VF). This is used
wherever the picture on the screen is damaged, e.g., by operating
system broadcasts. VM is used to inhibit redraw while numerous
changes may be made, to save time. A V or VF command will re enable
display updates. The VC and VB commands switch between black and
white and color displays on AnalytiCalc-88 (MSDOS). The program
starts in black and white mode (since color may not be readable on
some black and white monitors), and will do a beautiful color display
if switched. The VI mode uses the IBM BIOS video IO interrupt (10)
to access the screen, bypassing ANSI escape sequences altogether.
Note that negative numbers are highlighted on ANSI screens; the
direct BIOS screen does not do this but is otherwise the same in ap-
pearance as the black and white ANSI screen. The initial question
about screen mode determines whether the initial mode is VB mode
(Ansi) or VI mode (IBM) so the display will look sensible if
AnalytiCalc is started on a machine without ANSI.SYS.
Writing ASCII images of Displays
W Write screen to file
The W command lets you write a hard copy of the screen as it ex-
ists on display to a file. AnalytiCalc will prompt you for the file
name; the device specifier should be included.
Note that if the filename you enter (or the last character after
the device or file specifier) is a "/" character, AnalytiCalc will
omit the column and row labels in the output file or printout so that
you need not edit them out afterwards. They will always be displayed
on the screen however.
To output to the lineprinter on a PC, the file specifiers to
give are either "LPT1:" or "LPT1:/", then. The output file in any
case has no strange escape sequences and may be edited with any
normal system editor. To junk any output you don't want, use a
filename of NUL and to go to a generic printer on MSDOS you may use a
filename of PRN. If the character "%" appears in the file specifier,
the title will not be displayed on printout. This is designed to
help those producing paste-together printouts from several sheet
EXIT command
X Exit to operating system.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 49
The X command exits from AnalytiCalc to the operating system.
In general, this is the ONLY way (short of an abort command to the
operating system) to get out of AnalytiCalc, and is the ONLY WAY TO
LEAVE GRACEFULLY. You should use the PP or PD command to save your
sheet prior to XD if you want to save your sheet; otherwise it will
be lost. Be at least that cautious; the program will NOT keep track
of whether you've saved the sheet or not.
ZEROing cells
ZA Zero whole sheet
ZE V1:V2 Zero variables in a row or column
in range from cell V1 to cell V2
(V1,V2 = names of cells)
The ZEro commands clear out a sheet. The ZA command will also
ask if you mean it and needs a reply of Yes to actually clobber the
whole sheet and return it to pristine purity.
The ZA command occasionally takes a noticeable time to clear the
workfiles out; do not be alarmed at this. It will ask afterwards
for a new title, new display format default for floating point, etc.
If you give the ZA command, AnalytiCalc will ask you to confirm
that you indeed want to zero the entire sheet. A reply of Y will
proceed to execute the command; any other reply will abort the
clearing operation.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 50
SEARCH for formula substring
>STRING Find cell whose formula contains STRING
>>STRING Find cell whose formula starts with
The > command (greater than sign) causes a search to be made
from the current position down and right to the relocate boundary for
a formula containing the string after the >. The cell found (the
first one) will become the current cell. The origin is not moved,
but the command OA P## will cause the cell found to become the upper
left cell on the screen if desired. This is a handy tool for locat-
ing sections of a large sheet. The comparison is between the entered
string and the formula, but terminates with the shorter. Therefore,
aliasing occasionally occurs. Just skip past the offending cell and
redo to continue to search. The >>STRING form anchors the search at
the start of the string so this will not occur, though very short
formulas whose beginnings match the search string will match. The
underscore character (_) is a wildcard character for formula
Driving AnalytiCalc from Command Files
@filespec Read filespec and execute commands
as though typed in.
The @ command lets you treat a file as though it were your console
input (returns on endfile) to let you execute saved sets of commands
to set up your sheets. Note that if you issue the K command (below),
those inputs come from a separate file on logical unit 1.
Recording Commands Interactively
+J filename Opens filename as a journal file,
recording commands to that file.
(Note: auxiliary inputs are not so
recorded, where asked for as separate
+N Closes any open journal file
The journaling commands allow typed commands to be saved into a
file later usable as an indirect command input to AnalytiCalc to
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 51
allow recreation of screen formats, data, formulas, etc. Extra ques-
tions (e.g. those used for filename and areas to save or restore in
P or G class commands) are NOT saved by the journal. They will be
read by @ commands however and may be edited into a journal file with
any editor. If this is desired inside a AnalytiCalc session, the
Spawn command (below) is recommended after the +N command is used to
close the file. The VM and RM commands are recommended inside @
files (with R and V commands at the ends) to suspend display updating
and recalculation until all commands in the journal file are done.
The Journal command is the way to get AnalytiCalc to remember your
keystrokes when making up any command so that you can tell what
you're doing. Later if you don't need to watch the screen update,
use the VM command (View Manual) to turn display update off during
the command files' operation, and the V (View) command to turn it
back on at the end. The major uses of journaling are to save screen
formats as they are set up and to allow capture of keystrokes for use
in command macros.
Executing Other Programs or Commands from AnalytiCalc
$ command-line EXEC command line to the OS
(minus the $ sign). May
need extra CR to free
} command-line EXEC command line (minus the })
and await a return on console
before return to sheet.
The $ command permits AnalytiCalc to spawn commands to the host
OS. The command is whatever follows the $ and results in that com-
mand being EXECed to DOS. This permits use of other system utilities
during a session with AnalytiCalc. The variant using the } character
rather than the $ character will print the message ENTER RETURN TO
REDRAW SPREADSHEET> at the bottom of the screen and will not repaint
the screen until the return key is pressed. This allows you to exa-
mine the screen as long as needed before erasing and redrawing the
sheet. NOTE that in a minimum 256K system you will NOT HAVE ENOUGH
MEMORY to execute other commands. The size program you can run
depends on the amount of memory you have left. The commands are
passed to COMMAND.COM and executed if room enough exists to do so.
The graphics tasks are designed to be invokable this way.
Interactive Calculator Mode
K Drop into interactive Calculator
The K command gets you into Calc, described below, and lets you
do computations. When you give the interactive Calc program the *E
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 52
command to exit, you return to the spreadsheet. This may be useful
where you want to do auxiliary computations not in the spread sheet
or try out formulas that you may want to debug interactively before
entering them onto the sheet. This calculator knows decimal, hex,
and octal radices and can be used to debug indirect command files
written for use within spreadsheet cells; the *V 3 command can be
given and then the *@file can be given in Calc mode, providing a
trace playback of the actions of a command file to see what it is do-
Conditional Restart of Command Files
< Rewind the current AnalytiCalc input file
This command will allow a command file to restart itself from
the beginning. It does so only if the % variable is positive (per-
mitting some control over it). A command file may use the TEst com-
mand to set the % variable prior to this command.
In AnalytiCalc-86 V18-06 and later, an < found in a cell equa-
tion causes the cell equation to be re-evaluated from the start of
the formula, PROVIDED that the "<" is seen at the start of one of the
cell's equations, AND that the % accumulator is greater than 0.0 at
that time. This is provided to allow use in conjunction with *WF,
*P, and *U XQTCM so that multi-equation formulas can loop, doing jobs
like selecting rows from regions, entering sequences of numbers, and
the like. This provides a compact and fast looping structure that
does not depend on rewinding files externally. The *U XQTCM TE {V1
construct is not supported however. The looping is limited to at
most 100 passes to prevent infinite loops.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 53
COMMENT commands
* any text
Any line beginning with * is treated by AnalytiCalc as a comment
(except when in the *F mode when it is sought). This allows you to
comment your indirect AnalytiCalc command files.
Prompting for Data to be EDited into formulas
- Prompt
The "-" command will print the prompt text on the screen and
await entry of a line of text. This text is stored as up to 4 argu-
ments for possible later use in EDit commands. Spaces separate input
arguments, and no argument may be longer than 51 characters. This
facility is intended for use with indirect command files (@ files)
which may want to be able to prompt for parts of formulas and then
edit them into the command formulas for use, or to prompt for parts
of later-used Calc commands. Note that Calc never sees any formulas
that are given the A format, so they can be prepared in this way, to
be used when they are given a numeric format.
A suitable - command might be
-Enter net pay>
which would produce the printout (in row 23 of the screen)
Enter net pay>
and to which one might reply with a number to be entered onto a
"template" worksheet.
Application Notes
In entering numbers, use a decimal (.) to get them to go in as
floating point. If numbers are entered with no decimals, they are
considered integers. The system will convert the values to floating
point for storage, but incorrect results have occurred where formula
ranges have been mixed since multi-argument functions assume the con-
versions are all alike in their ranges, and binary formats of in-
tegers and floating point numbers differ greatly.
Note that the default format for numeric output is F9.2 and that
it may be changed if desired. If you set up the format of a cell,
that marks the cell valid and the format is not altered by input
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 54
defaults, nor the numeric/text interpretation of the cell. To put in
a lot of labels, then, set up format A using DF and then enter the
If the sheet's calculations contain forward references (down or
right), you may need to give the R (Recalculate) command a few times
to get proper values. If the values on the sheet do not stabilize,
you probably have a circular reference in your formulas and should
examine the cells that do not stabilize for the circularity. Calcu-
lation is done across first (along rows first). This allows any file
references to be as nearly sequential as possible.
If you enter numbers with exponentials, use +/- in front of the
E so that AnalytiCalc can tell that the "E4" type strings in numbers
like "1.3E4" are really exponents, not cell names. That is,
Don't enter
to avoid confusion when cells are relocated. Filenames that look
like cell names should be avoided too. That is, a sheet that con-
tains a formula like
might, upon getting moved from D5 to F3, be changed to
and IF this is not what is desired, it could cause confusion.
Note that column widths on the display are properties of the DISPLAY
columns, not the PHYSICAL columns. This arises because a display
column may cover potentially 20 different physical columns on the
sheet due to mapping. That is, column 3 may have cells from column C
of the physical sheet, but can be set to have cells also from columns
R, AZ, Q, and W (for example), with different display formats for
each. Rather than choosing some width a function of the physical
columns which could cause confusion, the width is up to you. The
columns are labelled with the physical cell column of the adjacent
cell in the top row and also with the display column number to make
it easier to enter DL commands, which use display coordinates (pure
numeric, column:row) rather than physical coordinates (alphanumeric,
e.g. AK15).
Interactive Calculator Section
THE CALC MODE OPTION (K) and Functions Available:
This describes the CALC option (K) of AnalytiCalc which is also
the mathematical engine used for expression evaluation except for
multi-argument functions and IF statements.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 55
You will need to use the command
*V 3
to get any numbers displayed initially; AnalytiCalc initially sets
the display View flag to zero for speed reasons.
CALC mode is a calculator designed to evaluate arithmetic ex-
pressions. In its basic form, expression evaluation is similar to
that used by ANSI FORTRAN with calculations performed on INTEGER*4
and REAL*8 constants. Variables may also be invoked. Standard al-
gebraic operator precedence is used, and accumulators (A through Z,
%, and all spreadsheet cells) may be assigned values by Calc state-
ments of the form:
Additional features include octal and hexadecimal arithmetic
capabilities. Commonly used commands and expressions can be placed
in a file and executed when convenient.
How to Enter CALC mode
To enter Calc, use the K command of AnalytiCalc. Calc mode will
prompt as follows:
Before starting in this mode, type the command
*V 3
to get the interactive portion to display results. Now try typ-
followed by a carriage return. CALC will evaluate the expression and
output the answer
It then prompts for further input. Try other expressions such as
12.0 - 99. (answer=-87.00000000000000)
-(-32767+(6-2)**8-(512/(409-401))) (answer=-32705)
3*5/7 (answer=2)
3*(5/7) (answer=0)
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 56
Mixed mode is legal, for example
1977/50. is evaluated as 39.54000000000000
Reals may be expressed using D or E format. For example
1.2E10*2.D0**3-1.D-8 is evaluated as
Variables may also be used to retain values for later use.
Variables may be the letters A through Z, or any AnalytiCalc physical
sheet cell name. All accumulators default to REAL type. To set I to
a value use the usual FORTRAN syntax, for example:
Try typing the single character 'I'. CALC will respond with its
value. We can now use I in various expressions such as
% is a special variable that retains the value of the last ex-
pression evaluated. For example, to successively add up the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 we could enter
Note that you can examine the value of the variables by typing
the appropriate single character followed by a carriage return. Such
an examination does not change the value of %.
Getting Back to the Spreadsheet
To exit from CALC, type
*E (or *EXIT)
or *S (or *STOP)
This will return you to AnalytiCalc. (To exit AnalytiCalc, use the X
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 57
Mathematical Functions for Calc and AnalytiCalc
CALC recognizes a variety of special functions. For example, to
calculate the square root of 2, we can type
CALC responds with the value 1.41421356237310
Each function may have an expression for its argument. For ex-
sets A to 4.55948443459838
The following special functions are available:
ABS REAL REAL absolute value
DABS REAL REAL absolute value
ALOG REAL REAL natural logarithm
DLOG REAL REAL natural logarithm
ALOG10 REAL REAL logarithm base 10
DLOG10 REAL REAL logarithm base 10
SQRT REAL REAL square root
DSQRT REAL REAL square root
SIN REAL REAL trigonometric sine
DSIN REAL REAL trigonometric sine
COS REAL REAL trig. cosine
DCOS REAL REAL trig. cosine
TANH REAL REAL hyperbolic tangent
DTANH REAL REAL hyperbolic tangent
ATAN REAL REAL arc tangent
DATAN REAL REAL arc tangent
Note that the multi argument functions (e.g. SUM[range],
AVG[range], etc., are all also available in CALC mode with the same
restrictions mentioned above. The IF [expression]yes-expr|else-expr
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 58
command is however NOT available in CALC mode; use the *J expression
instead (see below).
You may change the base used to specify constants by using the
*B command. Legal forms are
command action
------- ------
*B displays current default base
*B 8 changes default base to octal
*B 10 changes default base to 10
*B 16 changes default base to 16
Suppose we have changed the default base to octal. Then adding
7 + 1
we obtain the result
00000000010 (BASE 8)
If the default base is hexadecimal, we can enter
9 + 1
which is evaluated as
0000000A (BASE 16)
Suppose we have assigned
even when the default base is 16. If we wish to add the hexadecimal
digit 'A' to 1, enter
We now obtain the desired
0000000B (BASE 16)
This leading 0 is only necessary when the first hexadecimal
digit is greater than 9.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 59
If constants are entered with digits that are not legal for the
base being used, the entire number is converted using a more
appropriate base. For example, if we have set the default base to
octal and type
the 9 is not an octal number so it is converted to base 10. If
a base 16 number is involved, the result will be in base 16.
You may temporarily change the base for a single integer con-
stant by preceeding it with
^8 for octal
^10 for base 10
^16 for base 16
For example, if the default base is 10,
a base 10 integer.
also a base 10 integer.
Note that the '^' can only be used to specify the base of con-
stants and that expressions such as ^16I are illegal.
To declare variables to be integers of a specific base, we can
use the commands
*INTEGER (base 10)
*OCTAL (base 8)
*HEX (base 16)
for example,
*INTEGER A declares variable A to be a
base 10 integer.
*HEX B,Z,F declares variables B, Z, and
F to be base 16 integers.
*DECIMAL lists all the variables that
have been declared to be
of type DECIMAL.
To summarize, there are three distinct ways of making base
declarations when using CALC. The first is to use the *B command to
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 60
designate the base default value. This is used to determine the base
for constants when they occur in expressions. It does not in any way
influence the type of any variables found in an expression. The only
way to change the type of a variable is with a specific CALC command
such as
Note that the *INTEGER command can be used to set types for
AnalytiCalc cells. However, exercise care in doing so that your dis-
play formats match the new type.
Suppose for example that the default base is 10 and we enter
then CALC responds with
00000000144 (BASE 8)
Finally, the last way to change a base is to use the explicit
base specifiers for a constant, for example
^10 123
^8 777
^16 AB
Commands and Other Functions for Calc
and AnalytiCalc
All commands to CALC (as distinguished from expressions to be
evaluated) begin with an asterisk. To obtain a list of all possible
commands, type a question mark followed by a carriage return. Most
of the commands have already been described. The following section
gives an explanation of the remaining commands. Many of these have
the role of functions too, and may change the value of % or other ac-
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 61
------- -----------
*@filename Where filename is the name of a file of CALC com-
mands. CALC reads the file and executes the commands.
Up to 5 nested calls can be made. Recursive calls are
not allowed. CALC prompts with CALC<n> before each
command line is executed, where n is the calling level.
You may optionally follow the file name with a blank
followed by a single variable name (a single alphabetic
character or %). CALC will then execute the file until
the value of that variable is zero or negative. The
test of this variable is made before the file is exe-
cuted and not during execution of commands within the
file. If the variable's value is not positive when the
command is initially encountered, the file will not be
opened for execution. This facility allows any or
every cell to be driven by command files while in
spreadsheet mode.
*ASCII Declares a list of variables to be of type ASCII. Useful
when decoding ASCII characters. For example, if we set
A to be of type ASCII, then typing A=77 results in the
character 'M' being output. The inverse operation is
the single quote. It allows us to specify a single
ASCII constant. For example, if we type
then the character 'M' is echoed and indicates that %
holds that character and has data type ASCII. Suppose
that the variable I has data type INTEGER. Then we can
output the base 10 code for the ASCII character 'M' by
which results in 77 being output. Notice that you may
not be able to enter certain control characters that
are intercepted by your operating system. Characters
whose value is less than 32. are output by printing
the character '^' followed by the equivalent ASCII
character of that number plus 32. For example,
results in
being output since 42 is the ASCII code for the
character '*'. See Appendix A for a table of the
characters output by CALC to represent such
non-printable characters.
*C COMMENT line. The characters that follow are ignored by
CALC. This is useful when documenting files containing
CALC commands.
*N NOVIEW. Prevents CALC from outputting the value of the ex-
pressions evaluated. This is especially useful when
executing files containing CALC commands that
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 62
initialize variables to special values. Equivalent to
*V 1
*V VIEW. Controls CALC's printing options:
command output class
-------- --------------
*V 0 error messages
*V 1 error messages
command lines read
from files
*V 2 error messages
value of expressions
*V 3 error messages
command lines read
from a file
value of expressions
*V same as *V 3
The default setting is *V 0. Notice that other legal
forms are *VIEW 1 and *V2. You may want to include a
command *V 0 somewhere before using any command files
to avoid diagnostic printouts if you use indirect cell
files much.
*R READ. Allows a single line to be read from the terminal.
Useful in files of CALC commands to allow additional
commands to be entered (like *S to exit from that file)
or simply as a way to halt terminal output until the
carriage return key is pressed.
*REAL declares specified variables to be REAL*8. When the value
of such variables are output, FORTRAN's D format is
*DECIMAL Declares specified variables to be REAL*8. When the
value of such variables are output, FORTRAN's F format
is used. Variables A-H and O-Z default to type
*S STOP. Same as *E
*E EXIT. Terminates CALC session unless it is used within a
file of CALC commands. In this case, CALC closes the
file and continues with the next command.
*Z ZERO. Zeroes all variables except %. Data types are not
*G *G V1,V2 (where V1 and V2 are cell or accumulator names)
will evaluate V1 and V2 as the column and row numbers,
on the physical sheet, of the desired cell. The ad-
dressed cell's value is retrieved and used as the
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 63
resulting number. This is used for lookup tables.
*W Takes the value at the current cell and writes it out to
the formula as a numeric (floating) value. The current
cell may have been modified temporarily by the *P com-
mand. This will overwrite the formula at that cell.
The *WF command will work the same as *W except that
the format used for rewriting the number will be the
current cell's display format instead of a pre-fixed
D32.25 format. Some extra spaces may be introduced
which may be removed by the command "ED / //". This
allows freezing values to whatever precision is
*P The *P command resets the current cell coordinate from
within a cell (until the next cell is evaluated only).
It has several forms:
*P - By itself, *P causes Calc to prompt for the new phy-
sical column and row number.
*P V1 - This moves the current location to the named cell
where V1 is the cell name (e.g. A5, H2)
*P@ V1,V2 - This uses V1 and V2 (cell names) as column
and row numbers and changes the current physical cell
position to that defined by the contents of cells V1
and V2. This gives complete addressing of the sheet
from within any cell.
*F *F Label - If the value in % is positive and nonzero this
command rewinds the input file for the AnalytiCalc @
command (not the Calc @ command) and seeks a line
beginning with the characters *CLabel (where "label" is
what you put after the *F command). This allows Calc
commands inside a cell to direct outside command entry.
*J *J Label - This command behaves as the *F command but
operates on the file used by the Calc @ command rather
than the AnalytiCalc one. Thus, conditions in Calc
program files may be implemented.
Data File Access
*QW The *QF (Float) or *QW (write) commands are used to
examine sequential files created outside AnalytiCalc
and return values or formulas. Their syntax is
*QF filename ?key1? ?key2? <lm>
or *QW filename ?key1? ?key2? <lm>
where ?key2? is optional
l and m are delimiter characters for start and end of
the parts of the selected records to extract (defaults
to first part of the record) filename is just the file
specifier in the host OS. operation is that the file
is searched from the beginning for records containing
key1 (and key2 if specified) and then the part of the
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 64
record between character l and character m (delimiter
characters, which may be the same as for example 2 com-
mas) is extracted. That part of the record is then ei-
ther Floated by converting to a floating point number
using a wide Floating Point format specifier (in *QF)
or read in and made the current cell's formula between
those delimiters (in the case of *QW). Records may not
be over 128 characters long. This command would be
used to extract data from a database or word processing
The first key will begin at the start of the line
for each file if it's first character is the ` (accent
grave) character. Then the key searched for is sought
always at the start of the line, minus the ` character.
The delimiters may contain 3 characters to specify
positional fields. In this case, the first delimiter
character is ` (again) and the second 2 are encoded
start location and length fields. They are just the
binary values of these + 32 (starting from 1) to turn
them to printable ASCII.
Variant forms are *QFK, *QWK (which keep the file
open after opening it so that subsequent *QFN or *QWN
or *QFC or *QWC commands can read sequentially down the
file), or the mentioned *QFN and *QWN commands, which
read the file from the Next record (leaving it open for
more Next searches) and the *QFC or *QWC variants which
perform the *QFN type action but close the file on com-
pletion. The file spec must be present in *QFN, *QWN,
*QFC, and *QWC commands, but is ignored there. If the
search fails, the % accumulator is returned as -999999.
and on *QW type operations where there is no failure,
the % accumulator returns a value of 1.0 to indicate
success. In the *QF commands, the value returned is in
the file searched. These return values occur regard-
less of the variant. Note that the same logical unit
(4) is used for all *Q class operations, so a sub-
sequent *QF or *QW will close the unit after a string
of *QN searches of indeterminate length. A request
that searches the null device is a simple way to ensure
the unit is closed. It is possible to leave it open
and interfere with some other operations, so the user
is cautioned to pay attention to this aspect of program
operation when designing a sheet that uses it.
*U funct args The *U command is a means to allow easy user ad-
dition to the AnalytiCalc function repertoire. It
passes the command line to the USRFCT subroutine which
is set up to recognize up to 5-letter function names
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 65
(edit it to add what you need) and to process the func-
tions called. The parsing is up to you. Note that the
VARSCN routine may be called to convert variable names
into coordinates in the XVBLS array.
Functions supplied include:
DATE functions operating on dates: IDATE, YRMOD, JDATE,
JTOCH, and DATE which all return or convert between
Julian dates (day since a fixed date) and
year/month/day binary, and ASCII dates.
MATRIX functions which handle matrix math: MTXEQ, MOVEV,
handle all variants of normal matrix algebra. MMPYT is
particularly handy for producing the dot product of 2
rows or columns (sum of products of corresponding ele-
ments). Note that matrix math works only in the prime
area however. That is, matrices must reside above and
to the left of cell BI301 (so the legal range for ma-
trices is A1 through BH300).
EQUATION SOLUTION via the VARY function, which allows up to
8 accumulators to vary to iteratively search for solu-
tions to equations anywhere on the sheet.
UTILITY functions, including STRVL, which converts formula
text to numeric values, XQTCM which executes commands
from inside formulas, and HERE which returns current
location and some extra sheet status information.
A version of USRFCT is supplied which can call the
system to return the system month, day, and year in ac-
cumulators T, U, and V respectively. The % returns
with a value of yymmdd to permit easier sorting too.
However, any functions desired may be added in this way
and results extracted in whatever way is convenient.
The yymmdd value returned is a Julian date based on
1/1/1980, in the % accumulator. This is the IDATE()
There are 4 other date functions supported in the
most capable AnalytiCalcs. These permit conversion
between ASCII dates displayed as YY/MM/DD and Julian
dates, or back.
The call
returns the Julian date (in %) computed from the Year
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 66
(in VY), the month (in VM) and the day (in VD), where
VY, VM, and VD are sheet cells. These may be the
result of date arithmetic.
The call
assumes the formula in cell Var (any spreadsheet cell
name) contains a date string in the format YY/MM/DD.
It reads this formula and converts the date to a Julian
date, returning it in the % accumulator.
The call
*U JTOCH Jul,Var
assumes that variable Jul (any spreadsheet cell) con-
tains a Julian date and changes it into an ASCII string
in the cell whose name is in the Var position here.
This wipes out any previous formula in that cell,
though it does not alter display format or type infor-
mation. The T, U, and V accumulators return with the
month, day, and year on return.
The call
uses VY, VM, and VD as year, month and day, and com-
putes a Julian date from them. It then composes an
ASCII string of form YY/MM/DD for that date and stores
in the formula for Var.
The use of Julian dates is made because the dif-
ference of two Julian dates is precisely the number of
days between the two dates. These functions are
designed to make date labels easier to do.
There are actually 4 supplied USRFCT routines.
The larger of these are also able to solve matrix equa-
tions (this demonstrates how other programs may be in-
tegrated with the package). The function solves the
matrix equation AX=B where A is a square matrix and X
and B are rectangular ones, A being n by n and X, B be-
ing n by m.
The call formats for IDATE and MTXEQU are
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 67
where the notation AA:AA means two cells at the upper
left and lower right edges of matrix A (e.g. B2:C3 for
the 2 X 2 matrix so defined), and the XX:XX and BB:BB
notation means the same for the X and B matrices. This
capability is used to solve systems of linear simul-
taneous equations and does so with extreme speed. Note
however that errors can occur if the A matrix is
singular. The cell returns 0 if the matrix was
singular and does not solve the equation then; 1 is
returned if the equation was solved.
Note that matrix A is modified by the call, so a
reasonable precaution is to ensure that the matrix is
reset by AnalytiCalc prior to each computation. This
may be done by:
1. Placing the MTXEQ call in a cell left and down from the
A matrix and
2. Ensuring there are some alphas in each entry in matrix
A. This may be done by placing a \*C FRC RECALC into
each cell. This is a comment and will not affect the
number. However because it contains alphas,
AnalytiCalc will then re-compute each number whenever
the sheet is computed.
Using the MOVEV function to copy the real A matrix
onto the working one before the MTXEQU call every time.
(This is the efficient way to do it, as recalculating
the constants every time wastes resources.)
To have the X matrix cells displayed without being
modified, it is necessary to have the cells' formulas
contain a self-reference. The easiest way to achieve
this is to place the "formula" P 0 0 into each cell.
This effectively will cause display of whatever number
is there. A similar technique may be used to set up
matrix A, where the real matrix is elsewhere and formu-
las in A are just the P 0 0 type. The real matrix may
contain formulas like "34.65\D12=%" to set up the
desired contents here AND to reset cell D12 (in the
work area) to the entered value. The B matrix is not
modified by the MTXEQ routine. A simpler way to handle
the problem is to use the MOVEV function (below) to
copy the desired cells to a scratch A matrix from
wherever it was, so the scratch matrix may be destroyed
without impact on display. If this is done, the source
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 68
of the A matrix need not be specially bollixed up.
Several additional functions exist in the larger ver-
sions of USRFCT, the largest of which is designed for
use with VAX due to space limitations on PDP11.
*U MOVEV mtxa,mtxb
where mtxa and mtxb are matrix specifiers. This com-
mand moves values from mtxa to mtxb (useful prior to
calling MTXEQ).
*U MDET mtx
This function computes and returns the determinant of
matrix mtx (specified as v1:v2 where v1 and v2 are
upper left and lower right corners of the matrix).
The next functions are implemented in the largest of
the USRFCT routines, and presently are limited to VAX
implementations, in which they are present by default
unless the build files are changed.
This function will multiply matrix A by matrix B giving
matrix C, provided that their dimensions are compati-
ble. Note this and later functions may be available
only on VAX versions of AnalytiCalc.
This function adds matrix A to matrix B and stores in
matrix C. All matrices must have the same dimensions.
It can be used for adding values in any pairs of rec-
tangular regions much faster than a series of sum func-
tions would permit.
This function subtracts matrix B from matrix A leaving
the result in matrix C; as above, matrix dimensions
must be the same. It also is far faster in subtracting
rectangular regions than numerous separate equations
would be.
This function multiplies matrix A-transpose by matrix B
and stores the result in matrix C; dimensions must be
compatible. Also, as in MPROD, matrix C must not be
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 69
the same as either A or B. In ordinary use, this can
be handy for dot products. That is, suppose you have
two column parts, G10:G50 and R20:R60 and you want to
form the sum (G10*R20 + G11*R21 + G12*R22 + ... +
G50*R60) for later use. In many systems, you need to
make another column of the G10*R20, etc. terms and add
it up. Here, you can use the MMPYT function as
*U MMPYT G10:G50,R20:R60,G51:G51 to form the sum and
store it in cell G51. (It can be stored anywhere; G51
is chosen just for illustration.) If you have a row and
a column to multiply, you use the MPROD function in-
stead of MMPYT for this. Since this is a built in
function, it can be orders of magnitude faster than the
separate - column approach.
This function multiplies every element of matrix A by
constant K (a cell or accumulator) and stores the
result in matrix B. This function is FAR faster than
separately multiplying many cells. If you want to
scale a rectangular region of the sheet by some con-
stant, this function can be used to quickly do so, mul-
tiplying each cell in the region by the constant in
cell or accumulator K (K can be ANY cell or accumula-
tor). Wherever you need to adjust data by some frac-
tion, this function should be used as the fastest way
of doing it.
(Equation Solving by Iterative Search)
This function allows AnalytiCalc to automatically
search for solutions to equations over up to 8 dimen-
sions. The operation is that the accumulators named in
the fields shown as P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W (one to 8 may be
specified, only one is required) are varied by a frac-
tion W about their initial values (later scaled down by
the gradient of the change in X) to attempt to get ac-
cumulator or cell X to equal accumulator or cell A.
This is done for I iterations, where I is another ac-
cumulator. Care should be taken that I is not initial-
ized in every pass of the spreadsheet, but at most 20
iterations will be done in any one pass as a safeguard
in any case. The accumulators given must be indepen-
dent variables; set dependent ones or normalization
conditions elsewhere on the sheet for use with calcula-
tions. Any function or set of functions can be entered
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 70
and the program will step the accumulators to attempt
to find a (local) minimum of the value of (X-A) where X
and A may be either accumulators or cells. The other
arguments must be accumulators (i.e., named A through
Z, though prior automatic use of X, Y, and Z may con-
flict if these are used). This function will allow
iterative solutions to be found for situations not
soluble directly, with stops for inspection every
several iterations. The TE command may be used con-
veniently to set the accumulator designated as I here
without need to modify a cell to do so.
The VARY function is initialized by a negative or
0 value in the I accumulator (the LOGICAL one, not I
itself). The equations controlling the variation may
appear anywhere in the sheet, and variation begins at
the initial values set into the varying ACs (P-W in the
illustration). Both the logical X and A accumulators
may vary, as well.
As an example, let us suppose we want to solve the
equation A=SQRT(B) for B, given A. Humans would of
course just square both sides, but in an iterative
solution, we would vary B until we found A. The method
used here performs the variations intelligently so that
we actually approach the correct value asymptotically;
the signal we have a solution is that the variation
stops. To set this up, we might enter the following
equations in a row or column (or anywhere actually;
order doesn't matter) in the sheet:
I=-1.\A=55.\P=12.\*C Set up to initialize
with negative I, initial guess
12., and desired value 55.
W=1.\*C Set "step scale"
P+0.\*C Display P accumulator on screen
B=SQRT(P)\*C Enter equation relating B, P
Now we go back to the first equation, since the desired
value in A (55.) has been set and the initial guess for
SQRT(55.) has been entered (12.) and we may now set the
number of iterations desired to drive the calculations
to solve the equation
B=A (which amounts to B=55.)
(which is what the VARY function does), by varying P to
control B. The idea here is that we can control P, but
B is an ARBITRARY function of P (and possibly other
AC's) and we will vary the independent AC's like P to
find what THEY need to be to arrive at the desired
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 71
dependent "goal" values. Here we are solving B=A, or
B=55., or SQRT(P)=55. and finding P in this way.
In the first equation we now enter
I=10.\*C Enter some number of iterations
to search for between displays.
and for every display, we will see how P varies since
we are displaying P in one of the cells. It will con-
verge on the square root of 55. (which is 7.416) after
some iterations. We may just use the TE command in-
stead to set the I accumulator to avoid some of the
complexity of messing with cells on the sheet. We then
use the R (Recalculate) command after the TEst command
to cause the solving to begin.
Note that we could have more than just accumulator
P varying and could have much more complex functions.
Also, both A and B could be functions of any or all of
these accumulators. Matrix computations may be used,
or any other functions available through the
spreadsheet, and the equations may be entered anywhere
on the sheet. In this way, some quite powerful sorts
of solutions to equations may be found. The philosophy
of this is that if you know enough algebra to set up
the equations for a problem (the hard part), you can
set them up so the spreadsheet can solve them directly
yourself, if there is a simple way to do so. If there
isn't, and if you can express the desired result as an
equation, the AnalytiCalc program can do iterative
searching to try and solve the problem for you, varying
up to 8 accumulators to do so. If you really want to
search for a situation in which several cells are close
to several others, just make up an additional cell that
is the "summed distance" between the desired targets.
For example, if you want to arrive at a solution where
cell B20 should approach B30, D25 should approach D35,
and cell X15 should approach cell AQ5, make 2 new
cells. One should be zero, and the other will have a
formula that looks like
or a simple variation, perhaps using multiplying in-
stead of **2 as was done here. This will produce the
desired results, PROVIDED that the cells depend somehow
on the accumulator values you are varying.
There are 2 more functions for the USRFCT.F40 sources which
permit access to formulae and allow more flexible
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 72
command procedures. These functions exist only in a
variant of AnalytiCalc-VM, not in the versions of
AnalytiCalc using work files. This is because support
in the XQTCMD module was needed for the XQTCM func-
The function *U XQTCM command will execute the
command (terminated by the end-of-line), with any com-
mand except X or K permitted, from inside a cell. This
allows command files driven from cells to control mov-
ing data, etc. It is suggested that cells containing
these references in command files have the last command
in the file set the cell format to [A] so that the com-
mand execution will be once only, unless repeated com-
mands are desired. This function may not be present on
overlaid versions of AnalytiCalc. The 8088 version has
The function "*U STRVL V1,start;len" will return a
value that is made from up to 8 characters in the FOR-
MULA of cell V1 (where V1 is any cell name), starting
at character "start" and for "len" characters. The
value is computed such that a numeric sort on these
values is equivalent to an alpha sort on the formulas;
the characters are multiplied from the left by 128 and
the next ASCII value is added. This function may be
combined with the DS commands to sort on text, or with
the XQTCM functionality to drive a slower but more
thorough sort on values.
The function "*U HERE" will return the current lo-
cation on the matrix. The normal result is a
hash-coded address of the physical cell pointed to, in
the % accumulator, and the column and row in accumula-
tors T and U respectively. The row number is up by 1
(as the X,Y accumulators are at start of cell evalua-
tion) to account for accumulator storage. Also, the
flags for manual display update and manual recalculate
are returned in accumulator V. The 4 bit being set
means manual view is set on, and the 2 bit means manual
recalculate is on. The W and Y accumulators return the
current maximum column and row used also. These are
designed to make it easy to use the IR command (Inplace
Relocate) to go over only cells in use.
The function *U FFTFW and the function *U FFTRV
perform Fast Fourier Transforms in the forward and
reverse (inverse) directions on the given range of
data. The largest power of 2 of data points less than
or equal to the given range is used and a
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 73
one-dimensional real FFT is performed. This is useful
for digital filters and the like. The input values are
replaced by their FFT so it is best to work with values
copied from the real inputs (use the *U MOVEV function
to move the values before use).
The function *U LINEF Vy:Vy,Vx:Vx (with the Vx
range optional) fits a line to the input range. It
will use the Vx range as the X coordinate if supplied
or will compute a range if none is supplied using the
cell coordinates. It computes the line equation Y=mX+B
and returns the slope m in accumulator U and the inter-
cept B in accumulator T. The value returned in accumu-
lator % from the function is the Y fit error of the
line fit. The W accumulator returns the correlation co-
efficient of X and Y.
*XV filename V1
*XF filename V1 The *X class commands are for sheet linkages.
*XF loads a Formula from another saved spreadsheet,
while *XV loads a Value (normally from a NUMERICALLY
saved sheet). They look in the given file for the
named variable in the saved sheet and place the formula
or value in the current position of the current sheet.
Note the *P commands may be used to reset the position
if it is desired not to overwrite the current formula
in the case of the *XF command; the *XV command as-
sumes the sheet was saved numerically and does not mod-
ify the formula. Note that each *X class command gets
1 number or formula.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 74
AnalytiCalc File Interface Functions
Command level functions are given as FILcccccc where ccc is the
actual command. Equivalent functions are available from cells using
the syntactic form *U DBcccccc arguments (where the "arguments" part
is any arguments, generally some required.)
Some extra optional VAX functions exist that allow regions of
the sheet to come from or go to sequential or random files to or from
some range of cells.
The following commands exist (the "*U DB" or the "FIL" is
OPINS range filename
Open input sequential on filename for cells in range When
the input file is open and any operation causes a read of
the cell, the FORMULA will be taken from the file and used.
If the file is opened with the OPINU option (for Update),
then when the FORMULA of the cell is written, it will also
write to the file. The OPINU option applies only to random
access files. Initially both input and output reads are
disabled (ENAINP and ENAOUT enable them). When a sequential
file (or device such as a mailbox, pipe, or communications
line) is used for input, it is advantageous to read data
into a range once, then disable input/output again, to allow
it to be handled between these commands. The EDTINP and
FMTOUT commands are designed to do this to make it easier to
use AnalytiCalc for a filter between sequential files.
OPINR range filename
Open input random on filename for cells in range
OPINU range filename
Open range for update on filename for read and write as ran-
dom access.
Close input
Close output
OPOUTS range filename
Open output sequential from range cells to filename
OPOUTR range filename
Open output random from range on filename
Enable input file readin (initially disabled)
Enable output write (initially disabled)
Disable input area readin
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 75
Disable output write
EDTINP range
Enables input and output and, for each cell in the given
range, reads and writes the cell, allowing the file
read/writes to take effect. Each cell is flagged as valid
but of text type; the DF command must be used to reset any
that should be treated as computable. Input and output are
disabled on completion of the command.
FMTOUT range
VALOUT range
Enables input and output and for each cell of the range
takes the VALUE of the cell, reads the cell, sets it of text
type, and writes the text equivalent of its value to the
cell. In the FMTOUT command the cell's display format is
used for the conversion. In the VALOUT command a large
builtin format is used to preserve all significant digits.
Spaces are discarded prior to output. Cells are left con-
taining textual data corresponding to their numeric values,
stored in the formulae. The DF command may be used to reset
these cells to numeric types if desired. Conversion errors
are ignored. Input and output are disabled on completion of
the command.
CMPFRM V1:V2[,V3:V4]
Compares two formulas. It returns, in the % accumulator,
the index of the formula in cell V2 in the formula in cell
V1. Lengths used are those of both formulas UNLESS the V3
and V4 cell arguments are seen. In that case the value of
V3 will be used as the length of the formula for V1 and the
value of V4 will be used as the length of cell V2. If ei-
ther value in V3 or V4 is outside the range 1 to 109 both
values in V3 and V4 will be ignored. Also on output the W
accumulator will be set to -1. if V1 is lexically earlier
than V2, 0. if they are lexically equal, and +1. if V1 is
lexically later than V2.
returns the length of the formula for cell V1 in the % ac-
cumulator and in cell V2 IF CELL V2 IS VALID. Otherwise the
cell specified in V2 is ignored, though it must be present
in the command or function.
Reads the formula in V1 and uses V3 and V4 as start and end
byte numbers within it. It returns to V2 the formula that
is between the start and end bytes, trimming the V1 formula
into V2 by chopping out the undesired parts. The find sub-
string function CMPFRM can be used to find delimiter bytes
if absolute columnar formatting is not desired.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 76
Associated DBxxxxxx and FILxxxxxx commands both exist and have
the same syntax.
These commands give a means for having a spreadsheet template
operate on files (treated as formula inputs or outputs) from other
independent programs. Random files have 128 byte record length and
unique indices computed from the relative position in the range being
used. Sequential files are variable length but never have more than
110 bytes (formula size) in them. Interpretation of formulas is up
to the spreadsheet.
On sequential reads, data is read until EOF and then the file is
closed. Input is treated as a "last step" before returning the for-
mula to the main program and just overwrites any internally stored
formula. A dummy edit will enter the file data into internal
storage. On output, file write and internal storage both occur.
Open failure just leaves the files closed.
"range" means v1:v2, a full 2 dimensional matrix range with
upper left corner and lower right corner cells specified. Calcula-
tion order is unaffected and generally is across fast, down slower,
like a TV raster scan.
The functions for CMPFRM and LENFRM are provided in addition to
the other functions here to allow the spreadsheet to more easily lo-
cate and parse text in data coming from generic applications. Note
that the {cell constructs can be used (possibly with an *U XQTCM E
function) to move pieces of text around in conjunction with copies.
The CMPFRM function can help find out if the reply from the applica-
tion is what is desired and already built-in conditional handling can
be used for acting on this information.
As in all these functions, CMPFRM and LENFRM have the forms
FILLENFRM interactively, and
*U DBLENFRM in formulas (with the remaining arguments included.)
These functions are meant to allow some "connection" of
AnalytiCalc with arbitrary other applications by batch files or EX-
ECed subprocesses, where AnalytiCalc can produce inputs for another
application's console input and accept another program's output as
its input in an intelligent and controllable way.
Also the string functions provided can be useful for certain ap-
plications independent of file I/O. However all these functions are
in overlays (one for commands, another for functions) and so can
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 77
cause some thrashing in AnalytiCalc - 256K. The liklihood of this is
small in the 320K version.
CALC is similar to FORTRAN with respect to operator precedence.
Blanks may occur anywhere on a command line without effect except
after a single quote mark used to specify a single ASCII character
constant. CALC extends the ANSI FORTRAN syntax by allowing the
1. multiple assignments on one line, for example
2. Unary + and unary - are allowed, for example
are all legal. The last expression evaluates to 16 because
the unary - has a higher precedence than exponentiation.
3. exponentiation may be indicated by using ! as well as **
If any of the declarations are entered (such as *INTEGER) and no
argument to this command is given, then CALC will print out the vari-
ables that have been assigned that data type. Note that a variable
can be assigned to different data types using such commands and still
not be assigned a value. If you attempt to output the value of such
a variable, an error message will result.
1. When you iterate on a file by a call such as
then note that
A) X must have been set to a positive value when the command is
executed or else the file will not be executed.
B) If the file of commands does not change the value of the vari-
able X you will enter an infinite loop. You can explicitly
set X to a non-positive value, use the *Z command to zero it
(if it is not %), or include a
command to give you a chance to reset the variable and get
out of the loop.
C) *E and *S will allow you to exit from the command file REPEAT
but will not of themselves prevent repetitions.
D) Entering constants echo on the terminal (assuming *V is
properly set) and can change the value and type of the vari-
able %. This is important to remember when using % to
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 78
control the iteration of a file.
-A**2 is the same as -(A**2)
with CALC,
-A**2 is the same as (-A)**2 (just like SNOBOL!)
3. If R and A are positive reals and I is a positive integer, some
compilers like RSX-11M's F4P won't allow (at run time)
evaluation of
4. Under RSX-11M F4P you will find
2**.5 to have value 1
2.**.5 has value 1.41421356237310
5. 10E10 is a hexadecimal constant (integer) while 10.E10 is a
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 79
Appendix A
---- ------ ----- ------ ---- ------ ---- ------
0 ^ 32 64 @ 96 `
1 ^! 33 ! 65 A 97 a
2 ^" 34 " 66 B 98 b
3 ^# 35 # 67 C 99 c
4 ^$ 36 $ 68 D 100 d
5 ^% 37 % 69 E 101 e
6 ^& 38 & 70 F 102 f
7 ^' 39 ' 71 G 103 g
8 ^( 40 ( 72 H 104 h
9 ^) 41 ) 73 I 105 i
10 ^* 42 * 74 J 106 j
11 ^+ 43 + 75 K 107 k
12 ^, 44 , 76 L 108 l
13 ^- 45 - 77 M 109 m
14 ^. 46 . 78 N 110 n
15 ^/ 47 / 79 O 111 o
16 ^0 48 0 80 P 112 p
17 ^1 49 1 81 Q 113 q
18 ^2 50 2 82 R 114 r
19 ^3 51 3 83 S 115 s
20 ^4 52 4 84 T 116 t
21 ^5 53 5 85 U 117 u
22 ^6 54 6 86 V 118 v
23 ^7 55 7 87 W 119 w
24 ^8 56 8 88 X 120 x
25 ^9 57 9 89 Y 121 y
26 ^: 58 : 90 Z 122 Z
27 ^; 59 ; 91 [ 123 {
28 ^< 60 < 92 \ 124 \
29 ^= 61 = 93 ] 125 }
30 ^> 62 > 94 ^ 126 ^
31 ^? 63 ? 95 _ 127
Interactive Calc in the AnalytiCalc environment
Calc runs as part of AnalytiCalc to do much of the math. The K
command drops into straight Calc and it works as described here.
There are a few additions however.
First, Calc can access all the variables on the sheet (names a1
and up), which may be up to 8 bytes long. However, while it can
examine or set any of these, the spreadsheet recomputes them from its
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 80
disk based formula file when re-entered by the *E command. To modify
this file, the "current position" in the physical display sheet may
be set by answering the prompts after giving the *P command. Then
the current display value (contents of the "%" variable) may be en-
tered into the disk file by executing the *W command. Numerous other
manipulations are possible, and by setting the view level to 3 (*V 3)
it is possible to debug a command file that drives a spreadsheet cell
from interactive mode (by tracing through its' operation to see what
it is doing). All interactive Calc commands work also from indirect
files. The physical location is clamped to legal values. Note too
that any unused cells of the sheet may be used as scratch accumula-
tors. However, they may not assume any types of multiple precision
numbers, as they are all 8 bytes long. The internal expression stack
is 40 tokens deep, so very complex expressions may have to be split
into pieces to work. Error messages will be shown if this happens;
they are placed on the top line of the screen.
The AnalytiCalc GRAPHICS System
The AnalytiCalc system uses a separate program to provide its
graphics output, permitting easy tailoring to different graphics
devices. The routine supplied uses a character graphics subroutine
(GHASP) to produce histograms and scatter plots from any rows or
columns of a saved (numerically saved, that is) sheet which has been
saved via the PPN or PDN commands. The output is printed normally.
However, users with other devices may easily modify this program to
insert their own favorite graphics output device output into the pro-
gram. There are several options to govern plotting, and one plot per
command is produced. Once a saved sheet is generated, many plots can
be made from it without reentering the sheet.
An advantage of this approach is that the address space consumed
by the graphical routines is not taken from the spreadsheet. Graph-
ics may be handled with a fair degree of transparency by command
files, or even by spawned commands. Another advantage is that addi-
tional graphics devices may be added easily without modification to
the spreadsheet. The current version uses character graphics to
permit usable displays even on monochrome monitors. (Note: there
are several additional graphics programs supplied which are given in
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 81
source in BASIC. These provide additional functionality not
described here but allow line charts, bar charts, piecharts, and
numerous other options.)
Getting Started:
Run AnalytiCalc (Type ANALY) and create your spread sheet to
your liking. When it is set, use the following commands:
L A1 go to cell A1 (top left of sheet
PPN Put out physical sheet numerically.
When AnalytiCalc asks for a filename, give one which describes your
file well (with a file type) followed by return. Example: My-
When AnalytiCalc asks you for maximum displacements, enter 0 in
both cases (equivalent to telling it to save everything).
When done, you may use the X command to exit AnalytiCalc.
Now run ACGRAF by typing ACGRAF
When ACGRAF first starts, it asks for an output dataset. This may be
any file or device on the system. If CON: is used as output (the
terminal), or if the filename chosen begins with the letters "TT",
the graph will be scaled to fit on a terminal screen. Otherwise it
will be sized to fit a sheet of (normally 132 column) printer paper
and will have some extra statistical information about the plot.
When ACGRAF runs, it will ask for a command line. A typical command
to give a scaled plot of column H from row 1 to row 30 would be
Enter plot command>NN myfile.num H1:H30 [S]
Note that the rows and columns are referred to exactly s on the
sheet itself. The initial NN could be LL or LN or PP or other
letters, but L in column 1 takes the logarithm of the numbers in the
first (in the example the only) range of numbers selected, and L in
column 2 takes the log of the numbers in the second range. A P is
used instead of an N where the values displayed should start from 0.
rather than from the lowest value in the region selected.
Should the range to be plotted include only POSITIVE numbers,
make the first 2 letters P's. This will ensure the scale starts at 0
rather than at the minimum positive value selected. The command line
would then look like:
Enter plot command>PP myfile.num H1:H30 [S]
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 82
Scatter plots plot entries in the first range against cor-
responding entries in the second range selected. One dimensional
plots are up to 100 bins wide and scatter plots are up to 50 bins by
50 bins. Height of histograms is Scaled to fit a page if the [S]
form is used and will Vary to whatever is needed if the [V] character
is used. Widths of plots are less than 100 (or 50) if the number of
entries plotted are less than those dimensions; if the number of en-
tries plotted is greater, it will be scaled to the 50 or 100 bin
maxima (which derive from paper size mainly). If the option [H] is
chosen, the plot will be Hacked off at one page, but scaled as if the
[V] Vary option were specified.
This program is designed to allow an interactive user to enter a
single command line to the program which it will parse and allow
graphic output from AnalytiCalc saved spread sheets. The assumption
made is that the sheet has been saved with the PPN or PDN command.
The filename must appear in the command line and variables in the
PDN WAS DONE) may be histogrammed or scatterplotted against each
A FORTRAN plot package for ordinary printers will be used for this
version. Other routines may be readily used as replacements for
specific graphics output devices. There is a document supplied
PCSAVFMT.TXT which will give the format used to save AnalytiCalc/Por-
taCalc files to simplify reading them in. The popular VisiCalc (tm)
DIF format was NOT used in this program because it cannot encode the
variety of display formats available. The format chosen was rather a
straight ASCII format permitting almost any language to read the
saved files with a minimum of grief, and which permits editing saved
sheets with a normal text editor. (The fields are even comma
separated to make reading in with BASIC easier.)
Input syntax:
PP or NN or LL filename.ext V1:V2 [c] V3:V4 +switches
an L in columns 1 or 2 takes log of 1st or 2nd range numbers
(base 10), a P indicates Positive numbers (so 0 is included in the
range to be plotted and the plot starts at 0. and increases rather
than starting at the minimum observed value for an initialized cell
in the saved sheet), and N means Normal, i.e., neither of the above;
the minimum and maximum coordinates are taken as min and max values
in the set of values to be plotted,
filename.ext appears at the start of the command line after a
space and with a space following it and is a valid RSX or VMS file
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 83
speciciation (the same as was given to AnalytiCalc in the PP or PD
command that saved the sheet normally).
V1:V2 and V3:V4 are ranges. V3:V4 is optional and its presence
implies a scatter plot. These ranges must be either a row or a
column or part of them. If only range V1:V2 is present, a histogram
will be done using the Scale option of GHASP to fit the plot onto a
page. The plot will be set up for 100 bins horizontal, 50 vertical,
or the number of entries to be plotted, whichever is less.
If the V3:V4 range exists, the character Q in the [c] position
(the [] are required) will result in a "density" plot in which the
program will attempt to print darker in filled bins. This is crude
and the default is to use a 2 digit number. Again, plot size will be
scaled to 50 by 50 bins. For histograms, the character S implies
Scale the plot to fit one sheet of paper, the character H implies
Hack the plot off at one sheet, and the character V implies Vary
height, using as many sheets of paper as needed to plot the data.
The character S should be used for "normal" scatter plots (in which
number of entries in a scatter plot "bin" is represented as a number
or character).
To use ACGRAF from inside AnalytiCalc, use the $ command to pass
the command line to the system; this will allow graphics to be done
without leaving the AnalytiCalc environment. This can be done from
an indirect file driving AnalytiCalc also, without special interven-
tion, using normal DOS redirection commands.
+Hnnn If present, sets Height to nnn characters.
+Wnnn If present, sets Width to nnn characters.
These override any defaults.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 84
Appendix B
Discussion of Storage Allocation Issues
Storage Allocation Discussion
If you use AnalytiCalc-PC, the storage needed per cell in the
workfile is 10 bytes per cell, and for formulas, 12 bytes of formula
go into every 16 bytes of workfile (the remainder is for accounting
overhead). Thus, for an 18,000 cell sheet, 180K bytes is the maximum
useful value file size, and 288K bytes would permit a 12 character
formula for each cell, while 2592K bytes would give every cell 108
characters and is the maximum useful size. (You can allocate more
memory to allow 109 characters per cell, but this usually will be
mostly wasted.) Since a symbol table algorithm is used, sizes may be
as small as desired. If the size chosen is less than the memory al-
location built in (1K is guaranteed to be), no files will be opened
and cells will be stored in memory only. Note that if value and for-
mula file sizes are given negative, a slower but sometimes more effi-
cient packing will be done of the file. The workfiles are opened in
one's default device at the time of running the program. The "slow"
algorithm picks a diskfile page to use by taking the cell number mod-
ulo the number of pages in the file. The "fast" one picks a diskfile
page to use by taking the position in the total sheet (columns in-
creasing fastest) and making the number of cells in a diskfile page
vary as number in the sheet divided by the size of the diskfile.
Thus, cells close to one another on the sheet are kept close on the
disk file. This can overflow a disk page if too many cells for a
page are used close to each other. Therefore, the program will ask
you how many rows and columns you propose to use for purposes of disk
clustering. If the "fast" algorithm is used, the disk page will be
chosen as (cell address)*(number of disk pages total)/(size of the
total sheet you said you'd use, clamped to the max physical size).
If you say you'll use a small area, cells will be scattered better.
If you use beyond the area you said, disk pages are chosen in modular
fashion. Therefore, if you run out of room in a file, try either
varying the size for allocation, or adding space to the files. If
you give the exact size you're really using, the "fast" algorithm
will equally divide disk pages among cells on the screen you're using
for rectangular use. The size question is ignored if the "slow" al-
gorithm is used, since that algorithm equipartitions without needing
to know the size used. Typical values to use for the number of rows
and columns you intend to use for small problems might be 16 by 16.
The program asks how big to make the disk based files next, given
that it now knows how to allocate cells to the files.
There are two effects of importance here. First, if you don't
allocate enough space, scratch files may overflow and you'll have to
save the sheet and rerun with bigger files. Second, if the scratch
files are TOO big, the program will waste time switching pages in
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 85
memory unnecessarily. Therefore, when you tell AnalytiCalc how much
space you intend to use, it prints out the sizes of files needed AS-
SUMING that you will fill in EVERY cell in the range indicated, and
that formulas are 12 or less characters long. If you use less cells,
both files may be shorter. If formulas are longer, the formula file
needs to be made bigger. The program won't actually go out to disk
unless the files are bigger than its in memory buffers, so don't
worry about that condition. The suggested sizes are usually a good
guess. (These are printed on the screen after you tell it how many
rows and columns you intend to use.)
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 86
Appendix C
320K Version of AnalytiCalc
The 320K version of AnalytiCalc differs from the normal 256K
version in two ways: it is not overlaid, and it supports logical
The 256K version uses overlays from disk to save memory, and
consequently a spreadsheet that uses many special functions that are
in different overlays (e.g., large amounts of matrix math plus large
amounts of date conversions) will be slowed. The 320K version is non
overlain and there is no penalty for any function mix. (Actually,
some initialization code is in overlays, but this is executed once
and then never again, so it exacts no speed penalty.)
The 320K version also has a symbol table and allows you to de-
fine symbolic names of up to 16 characters length, containing letters
or numbers, and use them inside equations.
To define a symbolic name, use the command
where Vn is a cell name (like A5, R17, AB122, or the like), and "SYM-
BOLICNAME" is the name you wish to define. The name is now asso-
ciated with the CONTENTS OF the cell named (as Vn). When you use the
construct {SYMBOLICNAME in an equation, the contents of the cell as-
sociated with that name replace the name prior to evaluation. Any
contents may be used, though the total resulting string must not grow
to over 109 characters. Recursive substitutions are permitted to a
depth of 20, so name definitions may use other name definitions.
To remove a name definition, use the command
You should remove definitions explicitly since they are not automa-
tically removed by adding new definitions.
Up to 301 names may be defined in the sheet. Note that scratch
cells A0 through approximately BK0 may be used to hold definitions if
To store cell definitions for later use, the special command
must be used as follows to save them:
TE {*=
This will cause AnalytiCalc to ask for an Output file. You reply
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 87
with a filename to store (or show) the definitions. The program will
then dump all known symbol definitions in the same format needed to
do the definitions of the names. If a disk file is specified, it can
be read in via the @file command so the symbols may be redefined to a
later AnalytiCalc run.
Storing definitions on CON: can give a quick look at them in-
teractively, but usually it is better to print the definitions (which
can be done by giving LPT1: (or your printer's real name if that's
not it) as the output file name.
This facility can save considerable formula typing time. Where
you have a very large formula to be duplicated many times, if it can
be specified relocatably, a reference to a short name (or a cell,
since {name and {cell function the same) can save storage and allow
you to get by with smaller disk work files. The 256K AnalytiCalc has
the {cell logic to do substitutions, but the names must be cell
names. Only the larger one has room for the name dictionary.
L D0 ; go to phantom cell D0
ET SUM[A1:A4] ; fill in a macro definition as text
TE {SALES=D0 ; define "sales" as this sum
M2 ; set automatic motion down
L A1 ; go to A1
E 2.3 ; enter some junk data just to show this
E 4.86
E 1.2647
E 8.3454
EV {SALES ; Enter sales value as a numeric.
; the cell will display the sum of A1 thru A4.
An example position independent formula might be:
SUM[ P#0#-5:P#0#-1]
which means the sum of the cells from 5 above the current physical
cell to 1 above the physical cell. This form if used in a name will
work wherever it is used, regardless of location.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 88
Appendix D
AnalytiCalc Function Summary
The available multiple argument functions are:
SUM[variables] Sum of all arguments
MAX[variables] Max of arguments
MIN[variables] Min of arguments
AVG[variables] Average of arguments
AVE[variables] Average of arguments excluding zero args
STD[variables] Standard deviation squared
AND[variables] Boolean AND of all variables in list
IOR[variables] Boolean inclusive OR of variables
NOT[variable] Boolean complement of variable
XOR[v1,v2] Boolean exclusive OR of v1,v2
EQV[V1,V2] Boolean "equivalence" of V1,V2
(complement of exclusive OR, true if
bits have the SAME value)
CNT[variables] Number of nonzero variables in list
MOD[V1,V2] Returns V1 modulo V2 (i.e., remainder
of V1/V2 division.)
SGN[v1] Returns 1.0 times sign of V1
LKP[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
greater or equal to var, return its
index (starting with 0) into variables
LKN[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
less than or equal to var, return its
index (starting with 0) into variables
LKE[var,variables] Lookup variable in "variables" range
strictly equal to var, return its index
(starting with 0) into range. Note all
LKP, LKN, LKE return the last variable
index if no satisfactory value found.
NPV[disc,vars] Net Present Value of vars (equal time
interval numbers), at discount rate
disc where disc is a fraction
(e.g., .12 for 12%)
IRR[PV,FV,returns] Internal Rate of Return. Will compute
internal rate of return on up to 20
periods, returning rate per period.
The returns are expected to be at
equal time intervals. PV and FV are
initial and final values of investment
and the result is computed via Newton
PMT[princ,inter,nper] Payment (mortgage payment per period)
function. Will compute payment per period
for principal amount "princ" with interest
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 89
per period as "inter" and number of periods
as "nper". All arguments must be cells.
The formula is the standard ordinary annuity
formula. Interest rate must be a fraction so
that 14% would be 0.14, for example.
PVL[payment,inter,nper] Present Value formula. Computes present
value of an annuity given "payment", the payment
per period, interest rate per period (as a
fraction, so 12% is 0.12) in "inter", and
number of periods as "nper". All arguments
must be in cells.
RND[DUM] Generates a random number between 0. and
1.0. An argument is needed but it is
NOT touched by this function.
.INDEX Random numbers
.Index RND function
IF [V1.rel.V2] statement | else-statement
Compares two variables and executes either "statement" (if the
relation is true) or "else-statement" (if the relation is
Valid relations (in the place of the .rel. above) are:
.EQ. Equal
.NE. Not Equal
.GT. Greater than (V1 greater than V2)
.LT. Less than (V1 less than V2)
.GE. Greater than or Equal to (V1 >= V2)
.LE. Less than or Equal to (V1 =< V2)
The following special constructs in a formula act as functions:
_@V1,V2 Means get the values stored in V1 and V2 and use
them as column and row locations pointing at some cell
in the sheet. Replace the construct with the name of
that cell.
_#V1 Means take the real number in cell V1 and unpack it as
if it had been a packed value from a formula with 8
characters packed; then convert it back into ASCII and
place in the formula in place of this construct. This
construct is intended to be used with the *U STRVL
function to allow retrieval and edit of formulas. The
*U XQTCM function permits use of the EDit command
within a cell for string manipulation.
The following single argument functions are available:
ABS REAL REAL absolute value
DABS REAL REAL absolute value
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 90
ALOG REAL REAL natural logarithm
DLOG REAL REAL natural logarithm
ALOG10 REAL REAL logarithm base 10
DLOG10 REAL REAL logarithm base 10
SQRT REAL REAL square root
DSQRT REAL REAL square root
SIN REAL REAL trigonometric sine
DSIN REAL REAL trigonometric sine
COS REAL REAL trig. cosine
DCOS REAL REAL trig. cosine
TANH REAL REAL hyperbolic tangent
DTANH REAL REAL hyperbolic tangent
ATAN REAL REAL arc tangent
DATAN REAL REAL arc tangent
The following "equation commands" also act as functions with the
effects described:
*@filename Where filename is the name of a file of CALC com-
mands. CALC reads the file and executes the commands.
*ASCII Declares a list of variables to be of type ASCII.
*C COMMENT line.
*V VIEW. Controls printing options in K mode
*R READ. Allows a single line to be read from the terminal.
*REAL declares specified variables to be REAL*8.
*DECIMAL Declares specified variables to be REAL*8.
*S STOP. Same as *E. Goes back to spreadsheet.
*E EXIT. Gets out of K mode, back to spreadsheet mode.
*Z ZERO. Zeroes all accumulators.
*G *G V1,V2 (where V1 and V2 are cell or accumulator names)
will evaluate V1 and V2 as the column and row numbers,
on the physical sheet, of the desired cell. The ad-
dressed cell's value is retrieved and used as the
resulting number.
*W Takes the value at the current cell and writes it out to
the formula as a numeric (floating) value. The *WF
command stores the cell similarly, but uses the format
of the current cell instead of the D32.25 format used
for *W.
*P The *P command resets the current cell coordinate from
within a cell (until the next cell is evaluated only).
It has several forms:
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 91
*P - By itself, *P causes Calc to prompt for the new phy-
sical column and row number.
*P V1 - This moves the current location to the named cell
where V1 is the cell name (e.g. A5, H2)
*P@ V1,V2 - This uses V1 and V2 (cell names) as column
and row numbers and changes the current physical cell
position to that defined by the contents of cells V1
and V2. This gives complete addressing of the sheet
from within any cell.
*F *F Label - If the value in % is positive and nonzero this
command rewinds the input file for the AnalytiCalc @
command and seeks a line beginning with the characters
*CLabel (where "label" is what you put after the *F
*J *J Label - This command behaves as the *F command but
operates on the file used by the Calc *@ command rather
than the AnalytiCalc one.
*QW The *QF (Float) or *QW (write) commands are used to
examine sequential files created outside AnalytiCalc
and return values or formulas. Their syntax is
*QF filename ?key1? ?key2? <lm>
or *QW filename ?key1? ?key2? <lm>
where ?key2? is optional
l and m are delimiter characters for start and end of
the parts of the selected records to extract (defaults
to first part of the record) filename is just the file
specifier in the host OS. The *QF command gets a part
of a record containing the keys specified and turns it
into a number ("floats" it). The *QW command Writes
that part of the record to a formula. The special
characters in the <lm> part of the command are
delimiters of the area to be picked out. Variant forms
allow such choosing to be by column number instead of
key character if needed.
returns the Julian date (in %) computed from the Year
(in VY), the month (in VM) and the day (in VD), where
VY, VM, and VD are sheet cells. These may be the
result of date arithmetic.
assumes the formula in cell Var (any spreadsheet cell
name) contains a date string in the format YY/MM/DD.
It reads this formula and converts the date to a Julian
date, returning it in the % accumulator.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 92
*U JTOCH Jul,Var
assumes that variable Jul (any spreadsheet cell) con-
tains a Julian date and changes it into an ASCII string
in the cell whose name is in the Var position here.
uses VY, VM, and VD as year, month and day, and com-
putes a Julian date from them. It then composes an
ASCII string of form YY/MM/DD for that date and stores
in the formula for Var.
computes the number of workdays between Julian dates D1
and D2 just as taking the difference of two Julian
dates gives differences between calendar dates in days.
returns a Julian date that is N1 work days after the
date in D1.
returns the current date as a Julian day.
solves equation AX=B where A, X, and B are matrices,
and where the notation AA:AA means two cells at the
upper left and lower right edges of matrix A (e.g.
B2:C3 for the 2 X 2 matrix so defined), and the XX:XX
and BB:BB notation means the same for the X and B ma-
*U MOVEV mtxa,mtxb
moves values from mtxa to mtxb (useful prior to calling
*U MDET mtx
This function computes and returns the determinant of
matrix mtx.
This function will multiply matrix A by matrix B giving
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 93
matrix C, provided that their dimensions are compati-
This function adds matrix A to matrix B and stores in
matrix C. All matrices must have the same dimensions.
This function subtracts matrix B from matrix A leaving
the result in matrix C.
This function multiplies matrix A-transpose by matrix B
and stores the result in matrix C; dimensions must be
This function multiplies every element of matrix A by
constant K.
(Equation Solving by Iterative Search)
This function allows AnalytiCalc to automatically
search for solutions to equations over up to 8 dimen-
sions. The operation is that the accumulators named in
the fields shown as P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W (one to 8 may be
specified, only one is required) are varied by a frac-
tion W about their initial values (later scaled down by
the gradient of the change in X) to attempt to get ac-
cumulator or cell X to equal accumulator or cell A.
This is done for I iterations, where I is another ac-
*U XQTCM command will execute the command (terminated by the
end-of-line), with any command except X or K permitted,
from inside a cell. This allows command files driven
from cells to control moving data, etc.
*U STRVL V1,start;len
will return a value that is made from up to 8
characters in the FORMULA of cell V1 (where V1 is any
cell name), starting at character "start" and for "len"
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 94
will return the current location on the matrix and the
current maximum row and column used.
*U FFTFW and *U FFTRV perform Fast Fourier Transforms in the forward
and reverse (inverse) directions on the given range of
*U LINEF Vy:Vy,Vx:Vx (with the Vx range optional) fits a line to the
input range. y=Ux+T, err in %, corr coef. in W.
*XV filename V1
*XF filename V1 The *X class commands are for sheet linkages.
*XF loads a Formula from another saved spreadsheet,
while *XV loads a Value.
The following *U DBxxxxxx functions also exist as commands of
form FILxxxxxx with the same results.
*U DBOPINS range filename Open input sequential on filename for
cells in range When the input file is open and any
operation causes a read of the cell, the FORMULA will
be taken from the file and used. If the file is opened
with the OPINU option (for Update), then when the FOR-
MULA of the cell is written, it will also write to the
file. The OPINU option applies only to random access
files. Initially both input and output reads are dis-
abled (ENAINP and ENAOUT enable them). When a sequen-
tial file (or device such as a mailbox, pipe, or
communications line) is used for input, it is advanta-
geous to read data into a range once, then disable
input/output again, to allow it to be handled between
these commands. The EDTINP and FMTOUT commands are
designed to do this to make it easier to use
AnalytiCalc for a filter between sequential files.
*U DBOPINR range filename Open input random on filename for cells in
*U DBOPINU range filename Open range for update on filename for read
and write as random access. skip 1
*U DBCLSINP Close input
*U DBCLSOUT Close output
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 95
*U DBOPOUTS range filename Open output sequential from range cells
to filename
*U DBOPOUTR range filename Open output random from range on filename
*U DBENAINP Enable input file readin (initially disabled)
*U DBENAOUT Enable output write (initially disabled)
*U DBDISINP Disable input area readin
*U DBDISOUT Disable output write
*U DBEDTINP range Enables input and output and, for each cell in the
given range, reads and writes the cell, allowing the
file read/writes to take effect. Each cell is flagged
as valid but of text type; the DF command must be used
to reset any that should be treated as computable.
Input and output are disabled on completion of the com-
*U DBVALOUT range Enables input and output and for each cell of the
range takes the VALUE of the cell, reads the cell, sets
it of text type, and writes the text equivalent of its
value to the cell. In the FMTOUT command the cell's
display format is used for the conversion. In the
VALOUT command a large builtin format is used to pre-
serve all significant digits. Spaces are discarded
prior to output. Cells are left containing textual
data corresponding to their numeric values, stored in
the formulae. The DF command may be used to reset
these cells to numeric types if desired. Conversion
errors are ignored. Input and output are disabled on
completion of the command.
*U DBCMPFRM V1:V2[,V3:V4] Compares two formulas. It returns, in the
% accumulator, the index of the formula in cell V2 in
the formula in cell V1. Lengths used are those of both
formulas UNLESS the V3 and V4 cell arguments are seen.
In that case the value of V3 will be used as the length
of the formula for V1 and the value of V4 will be used
as the length of cell V2. If either value in V3 or V4
is outside the range 1 to 109 both values in V3 and V4
will be ignored. Also on output the W accumulator will
be set to -1. if V1 is lexically earlier than V2, 0.
if they are lexically equal, and +1. if V1 is lexi-
cally later than V2.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 96
*U DBLENFRM V1:V2 returns the length of the formula for cell V1 in
the % accumulator and in cell V2 IF CELL V2 IS VALID.
Otherwise the cell specified in V2 is ignored, though
it must be present in the command or function.
*U DBTRMFRM V1:V2,V3,V4 Reads the formula in V1 and uses V3 and V4
as start and end byte numbers within it. It returns to
V2 the formula that is between the start and end bytes,
trimming the V1 formula into V2 by chopping out the un-
desired parts. The find substring function CMPFRM can
be used to find delimiter bytes if absolute columnar
formatting is not desired. As in all these functions,
CMPFRM and LENFRM have the forms
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 97
Appendix E
The following features were added to AnalytiCalc after the last
edit to the manual:
1. Extended cell addressing.
This feature allows you to treat the spreadsheet as though it
contained 18000 rows and 18000 columns. You can use any storage in
any part of this range. Thus, columns from A through ZPH are legal,
and rows from 1 to 18000 are legal.
The actual storage in virtual memory is still treated as a prime
area of 60 by 300 cells, but extended areas move down the sheet as
you go further to the right of the 60 columns, and right on the sheet
as you go further down. The increments on overflow start at 50 rows
and 10 columns, but can be reset by questions in the "modify widths
and mapping" section of the S (setup) command. The mappings chosen
are saved and restored in PP and GP commands.
This allows you to use the storage as a giant area, though it
can run out. (No possible PCDOS machine could really compute a 325
million cell sheet, if all cells were full, quickly enough to be use-
Because it can be confusing to figure out what is going on, the
Add (AR and AA) commands that insert or delete whole rows or columns
do not work in extended addresses (i.e., beyond 60 columns and 300
rows). When using extended addressing, and after you have cells set
up in the extended area, you should NOT alter the mappings via the S
command, nor should you use the AA or AR commands. All other com-
mands work normally.
2. A new version of the compiler means the 80287 is now
detected automatically for the IBM AT and its lookalikes. You no
longer need to set the NO87 parameter if you have an 80286 but no
80287. The 80287 will be detected and used automatically if present.
(Note: if the 80287 is connected differently from the way it is in
an IBM AT, you may need a special version of AnalytiCalc. Write to
General Cybernetic Engineering, PO Box 748, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 for
information. If you bought an IBM version, it can be traded for
another PROVIDED you can tell us how the 80287 is set up for you. We
may have to supply a software-math version if this problem is really
3. The sheet save and restore now saves values in a PPX command
as well as formulas. It also saves column widths and the number of
rows and columns being displayed. If you specify a 4th character M
in the command (e.g., PPXM instead of just PPX), AnalytiCalc will
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 98
save the display-to-physical mapping in its saved sheet as well as
the other sheet information. This considerably extends the saved
size, so it is optional. Setting up your mapping while journaling is
turned on, and then playing back a journal file, will still use sub-
stantially less disk space, though having all the information in a
saved sheet makes reload simpler.
The PP commands have now the following effects:
PPN Save numerical values (and labels) only. Formulas are
NOT stored; only numeric values are.
PPX Save both numeric values and formulas. The output files
contain two records per cell used, one containing the
value and the other containing the formula. On reload,
the value record sets the cell value, and the formula
record sets the formula (which may cause the value to
change once a recalculation is done). The value record
is first and it's first character is "p" (lower case)
while the formula record's first character is "P"
(upper case). See the BASIC graphics programs for how
to read the format, or type a saved sheet out to see
how it looks. Use this form of save for most purposes.
PPF Saves formulas only, not values (though a single recal-
culation generally produces values). Use this for tem-
plates where the data values are not meaningful or to
save room. This sort of save cannot however be used
for graphics, and the *XV command will not find useful
values everywhere in such a saved sheet.
PDN Saves Display sheet numerically only. Like PPN except
that the offsets used are in Display coordinates, not
relative to the physical sheet.
PDF Saves Display sheet, Formulas only. No display sheet
save of "both" numbers and formulas is implemented
since the display sheet is smaller than the physical
one and two saves can be easily done when both are
PxxM Where "xx" can be PN, PF, DN, DF, or PX - Saves Mapping
as well as the sheet. This saves extra records (with
row and column numbers offset by 64000 to keep them
from confusing graphics programs) that allow Get (GP or
GD or GPR) commands to set up the display to physical
sheet mappings automatically. Thus, you can save all
your windows and have them back automatically on
reload. The mapping is saved from the current cursor
location down and right only.
The G (Get) class commands are unchanged except that they
now reset all the new saved quantities when they are
seen. Old saved sheets receive default values for the
column widths, numbers of rows/columns, mapping, etc.
so their behavior is not altered.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 99
V18-04 has the following new features:
1. If you have an ACINIT.PRM file, it will be kept open as an
initializer file until EOF and may contain any AnalytiCalc commands.
HOWEVER, if you use the file, it MUST contain at least the replies to
all questions until you arrive at the spreadsheet's "calculation
screen". It can be used to preset cell contents or perform other
setups. Note that the ZA command allows you to reset storage parame-
ters and the like, so having them preset by a startup file in this
way does not reduce the generality of the program. It is often a
good policy to do this to get the program started, as the setup com-
mand can contain typed strings to initialize ANSI.SYS or to set up
internal function key meanings without having to rely on an operator
or an external batch file to do so. The command
%escape sequence to type%*%*% will just type the escape sequence; it
may be used in ACINIT.PRM (after the part that answers initial ques-
tions) to type any desired escape sequences for setting up ANSI.SYS
or whatever if that screen control method is chosen.
2. If you type a control-Z at some places (e.g., to the
Filename> prompt for the PPX command), the OTS does not close and
re-open the console input file. This used to cause fatal errors, but
now console control is partially maintained. To enter multistep com-
mands from the console, however, it is necessary to set up to use an
auxiliary input dataset. If you type control-Z on input, you may
need to use the command
to set input from the console. Then save your sheet and exit, and
rerun the program. If you type control Z somewhere on input and it
appears that the console is still closed (symptoms are that "secon-
dary questions" like the confirm reply on exit return instantly
without giving you a chance to reply), here's the fix. Just type a
control - Z where at a command prompt. The program will flash a mes-
sage *eof* and try to get input again. Generally this clears the
console channel and gets it open correctly, overcoming a bug in the
MS Fortran OTS.
3. You now no longer really need ANSI.SYS! Input is handled
via single character I/O from the console now, and where any extended
function in the range 59 through 83 is seen, the command is changed
for you to _{Ac where c ranges from B (for 59) to Z (for 83). Thee
extended function 59-68 are F1 through F10. The up, down, left, and
right arrow functions are 72, 80, 75, and 77. For others see your PC
documents (or auxkpd.txt) for equivalents.
By placing any desired equivalence command text into cells AB0
through AZ0 formulas, you can make any of the relevant function keys
acquire any desired meaning. The ACINIT.PRM file can be preset with
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 100
commands to do this automatically. For example, the following se-
quences allow the arrow keys to work at startup:
ET 1
ET 2
ET 3
ET 4
L A1
Note that AB0 corresponds to code 59, and so on. AO0 corresponds to
72, AW0 to 80, AR0 to 75, and AT0 to 77 here. The 1,2,3,or 4 that
are entered are the cursor move commands in command mode, entered as
text so they cause no calculation overhead. Note that IF YOU HAVE AN
ACINIT.PRM, IT will be read, NOT your console, for initial questions.
(You can get the initial queries back with the ZA command however.)
New Features of V18-07B
AnalytiCalc V18-07B supports use for project management. To
make this run efficiently, the selection functions were modified to
record which cell was selected. Thus, the MAX, MIN, LKP, LKN, and
LKE functions now return the column and row (respectively) of the
cell they find in accumulators P and Q respectively. The function
"*P@ P0,Q0" may be used to directly access this cell in subsequent
calculations, or the P and Q accumulators can be used in other forms
of addressing to access the selected cells. The functions otherwise
behave as they did in earlier releases.
The project management software (AnalytiProject) will be
distributed only to registered (i.e., paying) users of AnalytiCalc.
New Features - V18-07C
AnalytiCalc V18-07C adds two functions to support computations
in "workdays".
takes Julian dates in variables V1 and V2 and computes the number of
workdays between the two, not counting the initial date if it is a
workday (to be similar to differences between Julian dates).
takes a Julian date in V1 and a number of days in V2 and returns the
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 101
Julian date that is V2 workdays after the date in V1. It is thus a
sort of inverse for the *U WKDYS function. The resulting date is
guaranteed to be in the Monday to Friday range. A workday is Monday
to Friday. The functions know nothing of holidays.
Note that these functions are in a single overlay in BOTH the
256K and the 320K version. This will have little impact on the 320K
version however since once the overlay is loaded it will tend to stay
unless displaced by the HELP overlay.
New Features - V18-08A
In V18-08A, AnalytiCalc can compute line fits and Fast Fourier
transforms on data.
*U LINEF Y1:Y2,X1:X2
computes a line whose equation is Y=mX+B, where m is returned in the
U accumulator and B is returned in the T accumulator. The % accumu-
lator returns the fitting error in Y. The line is fit over the range
Y1:Y2 in Y, with the X coordinates optional and if they are present,
they must be in the cells in the X1:X2 range given. If the X range
is omitted, 1. to the max. number of points will be used.
computes the forward (t to freq) Fourier transform of the range and
computes the reverse (freq. to t) transform. The range must be a
power of two long (if less, the largest power of 2 available is used
and extra points are ignored). Data is assumed to be the real coef-
ficients in the first half and the imaginary ones in the second half.
FFT data is returned in this layout also. Thus, the real data (which
is frequently the part of interest) is returned first. The reverse
FFT of the forward FFT returns the original data. The FFT is of in-
terest for finding the frequency distribution of partially sinusoidal
New Features - V19.01A
A modified command structure is supported now. If you type the
command /; then the commands to AnalytiCalc are modified as follows:
1. Any command beginning with a digit (except single digits
standing alone) is treated as an EV followed by the text.
2. Any command beginning with / has the / stripped off and the
rest is treated as a command.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 102
3. Any command beginning with " is treated as an E" command
(enter text) with the " stripped out.
4. Anything not starting with a digit, a " character, or a / is
treated as an Enter command and is prefixed with "EN " and
The old (default) command mode is restored with the command "//"
so that /; and // switch between the two. These commands may be
given in ACINIT.PRM, other command files, or from the console. They
introduce incompatibilities in that in the new version commands like
"DF range [format]" must be entered as "/DF range [format]" (for ex-
ample) to work.
To facilitate writing command files that work in both modes the
command / switches the mode with a save cell. A sequence of
/# (save current command mode in save cell)
// (enter old command mode)
(do all of command file)
/# (restore saved user command mode)
will allow a command file to operate and be written to run predict-
ably in either user environment choice.
Please NOTE that special characters in the first character are
interpreted as commands in /; mode. The * character is handled as a
comment. To enter formulas with functions starting with *, use the
COMMAND form, e.g. /EV *U IDATE. This always works and disambigu-
ates syntax.
When the system is in /; mode, the cell prompt at the 23rd line
of the screen ends with : so that it appears like
AB 21:
When the system is in // mode (initial default) the prompt ends
with the > character so it appears like
AB 21>
This should aid in distinguishing modes during use.
New Features of V19.2
In V19.2, AnalytiCalc adds the OAD and ORD commands. These are
like the OA and OR commands except they leave the relative mappings
of the screen alone. Thus, if you already split your screen into 3
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 103
parts and use the command "OAD cell" to reset the mapping, the resul-
tant screen still has 3 regions at the same relative positions as be-
fore. If you use the ORD command, then only the part of the screen
right and down from the cursor is affected, but any screen partition-
ing is maintained. If these commands leave some areas pointing to
nonexistent areas, use a command OR or OA to reset the areas desired
to something real again. V19.2 added the change from > to : at the
end of the prompt depending on // or /; modes also.
New Features - V19-03A
The recalculation has added 2 new modes in V19-03, Recalculate
Incremental (the initial default), and Recalculate Entry.
The R command re-establishes the old default mode which recalcu-
lates ALL formulas on the whole sheet for every entry of new
The RI command sets Recalc Incremental mode which recomputes all
cells on the display screen, but skips non-displayed cells.
The RE command sets Recalc Entry mode which ONLY recomputes the
newly entered formula, leaving the rest alone. (It is reliable in
the "prime" region of the sheet but may fail in extended address
The RR command is equivalent to RF (Recalculate, FORCE recompu-
tation of constants), EXCEPT that it leaves the mode alone so if
AnalytiCalc is in RI or RE mode, it stays that way.
Note a full recalculation is done after Get commands (loading
saved sheets) regardless of mode.
The command .. (two periods at the start of a line) in a com-
mand file closes the command file and returns to the console. This
has not previously been documented though the function has been
present for some time.
It is recommended that RE or RI mode be used instead of RM mode
(which completely disables recalculation) during data entry if other
modes are too slow. AnalytiCalc may be obtained from General Cyber-
netic Engineering, POB 748, Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 for $49.95 + $5 S/H.
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 104
*XV Function
320K version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
8087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
AA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
AA Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Access to Saved Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Accumulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
ACINIT.PRM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99, 100
ANSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
AR Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Auto Motion
Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
AVE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 88
AVG function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Boolean Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
C Command
Calculation Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Case Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cell Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Cell Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Cell Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 89
Cell Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Column Width Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Command Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Command File Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Command Files . . . . . . . . . 32, 33, 34, 35, 50, 53, 63, 89, 91
COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Conditional Loops
Conditional Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 91
Console Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Control Z
CTTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Current Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Cursor Motion
Data Base Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
DB Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 105
DF Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Display Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Display Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Displayed Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DL Command
DS Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
DT Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
DW Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
E Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
EDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
EDIT, Special Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
ENTER Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Equation Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 93
Extended Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Extract Saved Value
F Command
FFTFW function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
FFTRV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
File Loading
File Merging
FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 15
FORMAT Microtutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Formula Indirection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Formula Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
FORMULA SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Formula to Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 23
Formula Value Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 93
Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 34, 35, 89
Fourier Transforms
Frame Editing
Freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 90
Function Arguments
Function Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 31, 57, 62, 89
FVL (Future Value) function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
FVL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
G Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Goal Seeking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 93
GOTO (Locate) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 39
Hexadecimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 106
IF conditional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
IF statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Indirect Addressing
Indirect Cell References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Indirect Command Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Input Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 75
Insert or Delete Rows or Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Interactive Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Internal Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
IRR function (Internal Rate of Return) . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Journaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Key Redefinitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Keypad Command Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Keypad Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 24
Keystroke Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
L Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Line Fits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
LINEF function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Linking Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
LKP, LKN, LKE Lookup Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Loading Saved Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Locate current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Looping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 63, 91
M Command
Matrix Algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Matrix restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
MAX function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
MEMORY USE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
MH Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
MIN function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Mixed Relocatable Names
Mixed Relocation Override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
MOD Modulo function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
MS command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Multiple Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 31
New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
NPV (Net Present Value) Function . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
NS No Scroll (Scroll Disable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 107
Number Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 54
OA command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
OAD command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Octal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
OR command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
ORD command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Origin Control Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Other Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Other Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 60, 62
Output Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 75
Overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
P Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
PMT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 88
Position Independent Cell Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Position Independent Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
PPF command
PPX Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Prime Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Printing Large Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Project Management
Random Numbers
Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
RB COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
RECALCULATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Recalculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Redraw Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
RELOCATE BOUNDARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Relocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 35
RND Function
S Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 44, 97
SAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 44
SC Scroll enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Scatter Plots
SCRATCH FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Scrolling control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Self Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Set Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Setting Number of Cols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting Number of Rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Solving For Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 93
Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 72, 93
Sorting, by ASCII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72, 93
Special Accumulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AnalytiCalc Reference Manual Page 108
Special Cell Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Startup control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
STD (Std Deviation) function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Storage Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
String Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74, 75
Subprocess Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
SUM function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27, 88
Symbolic Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 87
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
TE Command
Temp. Escape to Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Temporary Motion
Temporary Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 90
TEst Compute
Text Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Text to Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 23
TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Value Freeze
Variable Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
VARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 93
VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
View Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
View Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
W Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Weekdays Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Where Matrices Can Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Word Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Workfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Writing Screen to File or Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
X Command
ZAP Sheet Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
ZEro Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49